Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • La désinformation sur Covid-19 tue. Que fait l’OMS? Et que fait la presse?

    Débat CSP, le 27 mai 2020, à 12h00, avec Fadéla Chaib, Margaret Harris, Bodi Hugger, Catherine Fiankan, Stéphane Bussard et Jamil Chade
    Club suisse de la presse – mai 2020 

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  • Le personnel de l'ONU à Genève progressivement de retour début juin

    Swissinfo / ATS – 22 mai 2020

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  • L’OMS a travaillé jour et nuit pour coordonner la réponse mondiale à la pandémie de Covid-19 – Dr Tedros

    ONU Info – 22 mai 2020

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  • At least 80 million children at risk of disease as COVID-19 disrupts vaccination efforts, warn Gavi, WHO and UNICEF

    Gavi – 22 May 2020

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  • What is the role of philanthropy in Covid times?

    By Karin Jestin, Conseillère indépendante en philanthropie / Geneva Solutions – 25 May 2020

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  • Armed conflict displaces 660,000 since UN call for global ceasefire

    Norwegian Refugee Council – 22 May 2020

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  • ILO issues guidance for safe, healthy, return to work during COVID-19

    ILO – 22 May 2020

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  • The historical impact of the coronavirus

    With Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamedou, Professor of International History and Chair of the International History Department at the Graduate Institute, Davide Rodogno, Professor of International History, and Efrat Gilad, a PhD candidate in International History at the Graduate Institute

    The Graduate Institute – 22 May 2020 (audio)

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  • Blockchain Principles Launched to Preserve and Protect User Rights

    WEF – 22 May 2020

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  • Secretary-General Appoints Sanda Ojiambo of Kenya Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact

    United Nations / Secretary-General – 22 May 2020

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  • WMO strengthens commitment to science

    WMO – 20 May 2020

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  • Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) - Situation Report – 122

    WHO – 21 May 2020

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  • WHO and UNHCR join forces to improve health services for refugees, displaced and stateless people

    WHO – 21 May 2020 

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  • South Sudan: Jonglei State clashes leave hundreds dead and injured as COVID-19 reduces ICRC surgical capacity by 30%

    ICRC – 21 May 2020 

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  • Still Human | Nobel Peace Prize Shorts

    Youtube / National Geographic – 21 May 2020 (video)

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