Movers and Shakers

Keep track of professionally-related news about appointments, promotions or moves to other institutions within International Geneva.


  • DG Azevêdo announces he will step down on 31 August

    Statement by Roberto Azevêdo, Director-General, WTO
    WTO – 14 May 2020 

  • W.T.O. Chief Quits Suddenly, Adding to Global Turmoil

    The New York Times – 14 May 2020 

  • CLOUD at CERN reveals a new mechanism behind urban smog

    CERN – 14 May 2020 

  • Deux nouveaux membres nommés à l’Assemblée du CICR

    CICR – 14 mai 2020 

  • WHO Member States Agree On Draft Resolution For COVID-19 Response – Overriding US Objections

    Health Policy Watch – 14 May 2020

  • Comment le cessez-le-feu global s’est enlisé

    Le Temps – 14 mai 2020 (accès payant)

  • Le grand débat - Quelle Genève Internationale après le Covid-19 ?

    Avec Olga Hidalgo-Weber, professeur au Global Studies Institute à Genève, Scott Weber, directeur d'Interpeace, et Carlo Sommaruga, conseiller aux Etats
    RTS / Forum – 14 mai 2020 (audio)

  • La Genève internationale va-t-elle se remettre de la crise du Covid-19 ?

    RTS / Le 12h30 – 14 mai 2020 (audio)

  • Jurg Lauber, chef de la mission suisse auprès de l'ONU

    RTS / Tout un monde – 15 mai 2020 (audio)

  • WHO Member States Near Accord On Resolution For COVID-19 Response; Advocacy Groups Ask – Will It Have Teeth….Or Not?

    Health Policy Watch – 13 May 2020 

  • World leaders unite in call for a people’s vaccine against COVID-19

    UNAIDS – 14 May 2020 

  • «L’industrie pharma doit mettre ses brevets entre parenthèses pour faire face au coronavirus»

    Interview de Tammam Aloudat, directeur adjoint de la campagne Access de MSF – 13 mai 2020 (accès payant)

  • Covid-19 vaccines for the world - can we do it, and how? / Geneva Solutions – 13 May 2020 

  • WHO: People living longer and healthier lives but COVID-19 threatens to throw progress off track

    WHO – 13 May 2020 

  • UNODC, WHO, UNAIDS and OHCHR joint statement on COVID-19 in prisons and other closed settings

    Joint statement by Ghada Fathi Waly, Executive Director, UNODC, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, WHO, Winnie Byanyima, Director-General, Executive Director, UNAIDS, and Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 
    WHO – 13 May 2020 

  • COVID-19 Triggers Marked Decline in Global Trade: UNCTAD

    UNCTAD – 13 May 2020 

  • Forced returns of migrants must be suspended in times of COVID-19

    Statement by the United Nations Network on Migration
    IOM – 13 May 2020 

  • Time to rethink the way we work and travel

    By Olga Algayerova, Executive Secretary of the UNECE
    UNECE / Executive Secretary’s Blog – 12 May 2020 

  • Coronavirus: la Suisse répond aux besoins humanitaires et soutient le développement de diagnostics, de thérapies et de vaccins

    Confédération suisse – 13 mai 2020 

  • Afghanistan: Gunmen attack Doctors Without Borders clinic in Kabul

    Deutsche Welle – 12 May 2020

  • His Afghan mission: to restore lives and limbs

    The Christian Science Monitor – 12 May 2020
