Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • «J’ai été hanté par des scénarios catastrophes»

    Interview d’Antoine Flahault, Directeur, Institut de santé globale

    Tribune de Genève – 20 juillet 2020 (accès payant)

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  • 4 things young people want from education in the future

    By Henrietta H. Fore, Executive Director, UNICEF, and Robert E. Moritz, Global Chairman, PwC

    WEF – 20 July 2020

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  • New ‘Versatile Video Coding’ standard to enable next-generation video compression

    ITU – 20 July 2020

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  • Prisons : il faut prendre acte de l’échec des politiques répressives

    Par Ruth Dreifuss, ancienne présidente de la Confédération suisse, Aleksander Kwaśniewski, ancien président de la Pologne, Michel Kazatchkine, ancien directeur du Fonds mondial et Javier Solana, ancien Secrétaire général de l’OTAN

    Global Commission on Drug Policy / Le Monde – 20 juillet 2020

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  • Les Nations Unies célèbrent la première Journée mondiale des échecs en mettant l'accent sur la fraternité

    ONU Info – 20 juillet 2020

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  • CERN visits your home

    “Take part in interactive virtual lectures and discover the world of particles and the scientists exploring it”

    CERN – 16 July 2020


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  • Human Rights Council concludes forty-fourth regular session after adopting 23 resolutions

    UN Geneva – 17 July 2020

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  • Coronavirus: WHO reports record single-day global increase in cases

    BBC News – 19 July 2020

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  • Can new leadership fix the World Trade Organization's existential crisis? / Geneva Solutions – 17 July 2020

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  • ‘Inequality defines our time’: UN chief delivers hard-hitting Mandela day message

    UN News – 18 July 2020

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  • What’s on this week?

    General Council at WTO; Digital Health Virtual Round Table with the Member States at WHO; Lancement de la norme mondiale sur les Solutions fondées sur la Nature à l'UICN; Ciné ONU online edition "Wake up on Mars"; Human Rights Committee; Commitee against Torture; Webinar on Athlete Activism & Freedom of Expression by Centre for Sport and Human Rights, and more. Check out the calendar!

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  • Secretary-General Appoints Pamela Coke-Hamilton of Jamaica Executive Director, International Trade Centre

    United Nations / Secretary-General – 24 July 2020

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  • Human Rights Committee closes its one hundred and twenty-ninth session, its first ever held online

    UN Geneva – 24 July 2020

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  • The Geneva Trade Platform: Broadening and Diversifying the Conversation about Trade

    Interview of Dmitry Grozoubinski, Executive Director, the Geneva Trade Platform

    The Geneva Observer – 23 July 2020

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  • Geneva steps onto the stage as an urban laboratory for ecological change

    With Panos Mantziaras, Director, Fondation Braillard Architectes / Geneva Solutions – 24 July 2020

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