Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Welcome to the Next Deadly AIDS Pandemic

    Foreign Policy – 25 July 2018 

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  • U.N. Palestinian Agency Will Trim 267 Jobs, Citing U.S. Funding Cut

    The New York Times – 25 July 2018 

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  • Why disability issues need to stay top of the agenda

    ICRC – 24 July 2018 

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  • Yves Daccord: «Les attentes envers le CICR ont changé»

    Le Temps – 24 juillet 2018 

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  • DG Azevêdo: Now is the time to speak up for trade and the trading system

    WTO – 24 July 2018 

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  • Ebola outbreak in DRC ends: WHO calls for international efforts to stop other deadly outbreaks in the country

    WHO – 24 July 2018 

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  • ITU and WHO launch new initiative to leverage power of Artificial Intelligence for health

    ITU – 24 July 2018 

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  • Rencontres scientifiques estivales

    CERN – 24 juillet 2018 

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  • Le WEF s'offre une parcelle pour 29,5 millions

    Tribune de Genève – 23 juillet 2018 

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  • GE : La Société des nations est à l'origine du tourisme international à Genève

    RTS/Couleurs d'été– 23 juillet 2018 (vidéo) 

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  • Committee against Torture opens sixty-fourth session in Geneva

    UNOG – 23 July 2018 

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  • People with disabilities failed by dearth of funding worldwide, say campaigners

    The Guardian – 24 July 2018 

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  • Top WHO Official On HIV/AIDS Gottfried Hirnschall: World Needs New Approaches To Deal With HIV/AIDS Challenges

    Health Policy Watch – 23 July 2018 

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  • Stopping Senseless Deaths: Overcoming access barriers to affordable, lifesaving diagnostics and treatments for HIV and opportunistic infections

    MSF – 23 July 2018 

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  • Opinion: Why dementia should be treated like all other NCDs

    Devex – 23 July 2018 

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  • Le CERN ouvre ses portes pour la Nuit des Chercheurs

    CERN – 23 juillet 2018 

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  • The Inside Story of How the World Closed the Hole in the Ozone Layer

    UN Dispatch – 23 July 2018 (audio) 

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  • Photo of the week: Open Living Lab Days 2018, the annual meeting of the European network of Living Labs

    Genève internationale – 23 July 2018 

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  • Le CERN, ce sacré vaisseau

    Le Temps – 18 juillet 2018 (enregistrement) 

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  • WTO chief: Some may not agree with Trump, but can't ignore

    Interview of Roberto Azevêdo by Christiane AmanpourCNN – 19 July 2018 (video) 

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  • How to rescue the WTO

    The Economist – 19 July 2018 

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