Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • What We Know About Air Pollution Around the World

    Interview with Dr Maria Neira, Director of the department of public health, environment and social determinants of health, WHOUN DISPATCH – 2 July 2018 (audio) 

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  • Seventieth session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women opens in Geneva

    UNOG – 2 July 2018 

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  • DNDi announces new Director of Neglected Tropical Diseases

    DNDI – 1 July 2018 

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  • Solar lamps: bringing together innovation and technology to people caught in war

    ICRC – 3 July 2018 

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  • ILO calls for urgent action to prevent looming global care crisis

    ILO – 28 June 2018 

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  • The 10 places in crisis the world chooses to ignore – in pictures

    The Guardian – 2 July 2018 

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  • António Manuel de Carvalho Ferreira Vitorino elected as new Director General of UN Migration Agency

    IOM – 29 June 2018 

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  • Migration Agency Picks a New Leader, and Sends Trump a Message

    New York Times – 29 June 2018 

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  • UNAIDS Board reiterates its strong commitment to the mandate of UNAIDS towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030

    UNAIDS – 29 June 2018 

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  • The Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products is live!

    WHO – 28 June 2018 

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  • L'expert suisse Philip D. Jaffé élu au Comité des droits de l'enfant de l'ONU

    Conseil fédéral – 29 juin 2018 

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  • Le CERN accueille le festival « CinéGlobe », centré sur la science

    RTS – 1er juillet 2018 (vidéo) 

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  • Petit-Saconnex: quelque 800 nouveaux logements à la Cité internationale du Grand Morillon

    Etat de Genève – 27 juin 2018 

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  • Welcome, director general. There's a lot to do

    IRIN – 28 June 2018 

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  • La Suisse appelle à soutenir le GIEC qui célèbre ses 30 ans

    Swissinfo – 28 juin 2018 

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  • Snakebite: The biggest public health crisis you've never heard of

    Kofi Annan Foundation – 28 June 2018 

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  • Grandi calls for greater efforts to debunk myths around refugee crises

    UNHCR – 27 June 2018 

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  • ILO business platform on disability goes from strength to strength

    ILO – 27 June 2018 

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  • WHO study shows drug could save thousands of women's lives

    WHO – 27 June 2018 

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  • Accountability, Sexual Harassment Concerns In Spotlight At UNAIDS Board Meeting

    Health Policy Watch – 28 June 2018 

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  • First Person: Two nearly identical cases of sex abuse; two very different responses

    IRIN – 27 June 2018 

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