Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Volker Türk explains thinking behind plans for global refugee compact

    UNHCR – 8 March 2018 

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  • Her Turn: UNHCR report reveals critical gap in education for refugee girls

    UNHCR – 7 March 2018 

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  • ILO: Women still less likely to be active in the labour market than men in most of the world

    ILO – 8 March 2018 

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  • Gender equality must be at the core of 'Health for All'

    WHO – 7 March 2018 

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  • High Commissioner's global update of human rights concerns

    OHCHR – 7 March 2018 

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  • New ICJ Commissioners fortify defense of rule of law and human rights

    ICJ – 6 March 2018 

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  • Genève-Aéroport: «La croissance n'est pas une fin en soi»

    Le Matin – 7 mars 2018 

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  • A Celebrated Physicist With a Passion for Music

    The New York Times – 7 March 2018 

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  • WTO chief urges states to stop first dominoes of trade war

    Reuters – 5 March 2018 

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  • Vaccines: Reflecting on 2017 and what’s on the 2018 horizon

    IFPMA – 5 March 2018 (blog) 

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  • 3 ways AI could help our mental health

    World Economic Forum – 5 March 2018 

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  • International Women's Day: Call for better data on impacts of disasters on women and girls

    UNISDR – 7 March 2018 

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  • Can the monkey selfie case teach us anything about copyright law?

    WIPO Magazine – February 2018 

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  • From the edge of humanitarian innovation

    Year in review 2017 UNHCR Innovation Service – January 2018

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  • Syria: First batch of essential aid reaches people trapped in Eastern Ghouta

    ICRC – 5 March 2018 

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  • Azevêdo calls on members to avoid triggering an escalation in trade barriers

    WTO – 5 March 2018 

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  • International Gender Champions 2017 Annual Report is out

    International Gender Champions – 5 March 2018 

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  • "Yes, I can!"

    Interview with Isabelle Durant, Deputy Secretary-General, UNCTAD Verband deutscher Bediensteter bei Internationalen Organisationen – 5 March 2018 

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  • Open letter: Using the CHS to strengthen safeguarding mechanisms

    CHS Alliance/HQAI – 5 March 2018 

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  • New Permanent Representative of Mongolia presents credentials to Director-General of United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 5 March 2018 

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