Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Genève Aéroport réduit les files d’attente lors des contrôles de sûreté, pour le confort de ses passagers

    Genève Aéroport – 20 février 2018 

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  • Human Rights Council to hold its thirty-seventh regular session from 26 February to 23 March 2018

    UNOG – 21 February 2018 

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  • Charities and NGOs trial new technology to enhance performance

    Swissinfo – 20 February 2018

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  • Délégués recourant à la prostitution: le vif débat qui secoue le CICR

    Le Temps – 20 février 2018 (enregistrement) 

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  • Le CICR a soufflé ce week end ses 155 bougies…

    L'humanitaire dans tous ses états – 20 février 2018 (vidéo)

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  • Rolf Luyendijk nommé directeur exécutif du WSSCC

    WSSCC – 23 January 2018 

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  • ILO Global Commission tackles the changes needed for a fair future of work for everyone

    "The Global Commission on the Future of Work convened for the second time at ILO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, 15-17 February." ILO – 20 February 2018

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  • Barbara Dalibard: «La blockchain arrive dans les aéroports»

    Entretien avec la directrice générale de SITA Le Temps – 19 février 2018 (enregistrement)

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  • Collective action is key to defending trade, Geneva Dialogue hears

    UNCTAD – 19 February 2018 

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  • New Permanent Representative of Burkina Faso presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 19 February 2018 

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  • Address at the Opening Ceremony of the Munich Security Conference

    By António Guterres United Nations/Secretary-General – 16 February 2018

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  • Photo of the week: 17 Global Goals to end poverty, reduce inequalities, and ensure prosperity for all, #YouNeedToKnow

    Genève internationale – 19 February 2018 

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  • WHO Names High-Profile Commission On Non-Communicable Diseases

    IP-Watch – 16 February 2018 

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  • Third round of high-level dialogue on Libyan crisis in Switzerland

    HD Centre – 16 February 2018 

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  • Bi-Annual Civil Society Briefing

    UNOG – 15 February 2018 

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  • Obituary: Asma Jahangir died on February 11th

    The Economist – 15 February 2018 

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  • Online Consultation: Call for Applications "Civil Society & Inclusive Peace - A Reality Check"

    Inclusive Peace & Transition Initiative – 10 October 2017 

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  • Oxfam scandal: UN aid agencies fear backlash

    BBC News – 15 February 2018 

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  • Has information technology become a threat to democracy?

    Kofi Annan Foundation – 15 February 2018 

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  • Ruud Lubbers, Former Dutch Prime Minister, Is Dead at 78

    The New York Times – 15 February 2018 

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  • OECD Report on Blended Finance Provides Recommendations for SDGs

    IISD – 15 February 2018 

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