Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • 'Depoliticisation is an investment in global health'

    Geneva Solutions – 15 September 2020

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  • Opinion: COVID-19 is a turning point for infectious diseases

    By Peter Sands, executive director, The Global Fund

    Devex – 16 September 2020

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  • WHO Issues Plea for US $35 Billion To Fast-Track COVID-19 Vaccines As United Nations General Assembly Convenes Virtually

    Health Policy Watch – 15 September 2020

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  • International Day of Democracy 2020: nothing to celebrate?

    Kofi Annan Foundation – 15 September 2020

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  • Le CHUV s'associe au CERN pour mettre au point une nouvelle installation de radiothérapie

    Le Temps / ATS – 15 septembre 2020

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  • The Digital Watch observatory rebooted

    Geneva Solutions – 16 September 2020

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  • Is AI helping research or compromising it?

    Geneva Solutions – 16 September 2020

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  • Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum exhibition captures many moments of peace, from Cambodia to Rwanda

    Geneva Solutions – 15 September 2020

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  • Afghanistan’s memory museum pushes for justice by reframing a war

    The New Humanitarian - 15 September 2020

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  • How big is the SDG backslide? Gates Foundation presents new data

    Devex – 15 September 2020

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  • 1919 : Genève, capitale du monde !

    L’humanitaire dans tous ses états / Blog du CICR – 15 septembre 2020

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  • Human Rights Council opens forty-fifth regular session, decides to hold an urgent debate on Belarus

    UN Geneva – 14 September 2020

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  • Committee on the Rights of the Child opens online limited eighty-fifth session

    UN Geneva – 14 September 2020

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  • IUCN Standard to support global action on invasive alien species

    IUCN – 15 September 2020

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  • Le CICR va supprimer des dizaines de postes à Genève

    RTS – 14 septembre 2020

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  • COVID-19 May Change How Vaccines Are Sold & Distributed – But Can New Systems Really Achieve Global Access?

    Health Policy Watch – 11 September 2020

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  • IFRC climate summit sets direction to address the climate crisis

    Geneva Solutions – 14 September 2020

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  • Readers React | Racism in the aid sector and the way forward

    The New Humanitarian – 11 September 2020

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  • Global Fund Partnership Has Saved 38 Million Lives – but COVID-19 Could Wipe Out Progress

    The Global Fund – 14 September 2020

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  • Just $5 per person a year could prevent future pandemic, says ex-WHO head

    The Guardian – 14 September 2020

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  • The world needs a better World Health Organisation

    The Economist – 12 September 2020 (subscription required)

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