Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • "Nous constatons une fermeture progressive de l’espace de travail humanitaire et la pandémie de Covid n’a pas aidé"

    Interview de Caroline Abu Sa’Da, Fondatrice et Directrice, antenne suisse de SOS Méditerranée

    RTS / GenèveVision – 27 septembre 2020

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  • Helping small states have a big say in nuclear disarmament

    With Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director, ICAN

    Geneva Solutions – 29 September 2020

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  • International Cooperation Welcomed Across 14 Advanced Economies

    Pew Research Center – 21 September 2020

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  • Tim Radjy rejoint le Comité Stratégie & Surveillance de Sustainable Finance Geneva

    Allnews – 24 septembre 2020

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  • UN75 special adviser: We’re lacking political will to tackle global humanitarian crises

    Geneva Solutions – 29 September 2020

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  • Joint press statement by the UN office of the Special Envoy for Yemen and the ICRC on the 4th meeting of the Supervisory Committee

    ICRC – 27 September 2020

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  • Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: ICRC calls on the sides to spare civilians

    ICRC – 27 September 2020

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  • Pour être efficaces, les outils contre le coronavirus doivent être accessibles aux plus vulnérables (OMS)

    ONU Info – 25 septembre 2020

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  • UK to become WHO's largest state donor with 30% funding increase

    The Guardian – 25 September 2020

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  • EIC Horizon Prize on Affordable High-Tech for Humanitarian Aid: Commission awards five outstanding solutions

    European Commission – 24 September 2020

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  • Micheline Calmy-Rey: How AI could become the new frontier in conflict resolution

    Geneva Solutions – 26 September 2020

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  • Schweizer Polizei machtlos

    "Diplomaten verweigern Bussen in Millionenhöhe"
    Blick – 28. September 2020

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  • À l’ONU, le degré zéro de la diplomatie

    Par Pierre Ruetschi, Directeur exécutif, Club suisse de la presse

    Tribune de Genève – 25 septembre 2020 (accès payant)

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  • What’s on this week?

    Geneva Trade Week by the Geneva Trade Platform; Human Rights Council / 45th session; Executive Council - Seventy-second Session at WMO; THE Port: Humanitarian Hackathon at CERN; Cyber Stability Conference: Exploring The Future Of Institutional Dialogue, at UNIDIR; Global Sustainable Aviation Forum - Green Recovery, at IATA; Covid-19: comment sauver les emplois et reconfigurer le marché du travail? Au Club suisse de la presse

    Check out the calendar for more events!

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  • WEF, global companies outline new ESG reporting standards

    Geneva Solutions – 24 September 2020

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