Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • The WHO launches a global initiative on treatments for covid-19

    The Economist – 24 April 2020 

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  • COVID-19 ACT Accelerator launch

    WHO – 24 April 2020 

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  • Ilona Kickbusch: «L’OMS sort souvent renforcée des crises»

    Le Temps – 25 avril 2020

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  • IMF and WTO heads call for lifting trade restrictions on medical supplies and food

    Joint statement by Kristalina Georgieva, International Monetary Fund Managing Director and Roberto Azevêdo, World Trade Organization Director-General
    WTO – 24 April 2020 

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  • Can the UN establish a virtual new normal?

    Devex – 24 April 2020 

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  • Covid-19 might not alter cities as much as previous pandemics

    The Economist – 25 April 2020 

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  • Vers une Assemblée mondiale de la jeunesse en 2021

    Tribune de Genève – 24 avril 2020 

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  • World Intellectual Property Day 2020: Green Innovation Surge Needed to Address Climate Change, New WIPO Figures Show

    WIPO – 23 April 2020

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  • Three Big Challenges Facing Global Health – and Geneva / Geneva Solutions – 24 April 2020

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  • Pandemic could 'turn back the clock' 20 years on malaria deaths, warns WHO

    The Guardian – 23 April 2020

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  • Africa's 43% jump in virus cases in 1 week worries experts

    Yahoo News / AP - 23 April 2020

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  • A matter of life and debt: UN agency proposes global debt deal to prevent health pandemic spreading economic disaster across the developing world

    UNCTAD - 23 April 2020

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  • Global action to beat COVID-19 crisis vital to prevent employment disaster, ILO tells G20 ministers

    ILO – 23 April 2020

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  • Beware long-term damage to human rights and refugee rights from the coronavirus pandemic: UNHCR

    UNHCR – 22 April 2020 

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  • Coronavirus emergency aid funding

    The New Humanitarian – 23 April 2020

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