Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • COVID-19 aid funding: The many pots and pitfalls

    The New Humanitarian – 3 June 2020

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  • WTO report examines impact of COVID-19 pandemic on small businesses

    WTO – 3 June 2020

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  • 10 tips for a safe return to work - from an International Labour Organization working mom / Geneva Solutions - 3 June 2020

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  • Look back and learn: How past pandemics and epidemics inform COVID-19 response

    The New Humanitarian – 3 June 2020

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  • The Great Reset: A Unique Twin Summit to Begin 2021

    WEF – 3 June 2020

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  • Yémen : face à une situation catastrophique, l’ONU sollicite un financement d’urgence et obtient 1,35 milliards de dollars

    ONU Info – 2 juin 2020

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  • L'impact disproportionné de la Covid-19 sur les minorités raciales et ethniques doit être traité d'urgence - Michelle Bachelet

    ONU Info – 2 juin 2020

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  • How could the US withdraw from WHO?

    Devex – 2 June 2020

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  • WHO begins search for new sources of funding

    Interview with Thomas Zeltner

    CNN Money Switzerland – 2 June 2020 (video)

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  • Watch: Peter Sands' 'nightmare' coronavirus scenario

    Devex – 1 June 2020 (video)

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  • Swiss Philanthropist Dona Bertarelli Named UNCTAD Special Adviser for the Blue Economy

    UNCTAD – 2 June 2020

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  • The flags of the Geneva Human Rights Platform fly on the Mont-Blanc bridge

    Geneva Academy – 2 June 2002

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  • Paul Ress – Longtime Geneva and UN journalist dies at age 98 / Geneva Solutions – 2 June 2020

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  • US To ‘Terminate Relationship’ With The World Health Organization – Announcement Coincides With WHO Launch Of ‘COVID-19 Technology Access Pool’

    Health Policy Watch – 29 May 2020

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