Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Make the Humanitarian Encyclopedia yours: take our online survey!

    Humanitarian Encyclopedia – 16 January 2018 

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  • Un nouvel écosystème contre la résistance aux antibiotiques

    Université de Genève – 19 janvier 2018 

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  • Live webcast for 142nd WHO Executive Board

    WHO – 25 January 2018 

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  • Voeux du Corps consulaire aux autorités genevoises

    République et canton de Genève – 24 janvier 2018 

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  • Le CERN lance le projet de «Portail de la science»

    Tribune de Genève – 23 janvier 2018 

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  • UN Broadband Commission sets global broadband targets to bring online the world’s 3.8 billion not connected to the Internet

    ITU – 23 January 2018 

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  • Conference on disarmament opens 2018 session

    UNOG – 23 January 2018  

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  • OIT: une Convention sur la violence au travail probablement en 2019

    ATS/Swissinfo – 22 janvier 2018 

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  • 7 issues that will shape the humanitarian agenda in 2018

    Linkedin/Peter Maurer – 23 January 2018 

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  • Introducing the new ICVA Executive Director

    Linkedin/Ignacio Packer – 6 January 2018 

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  • WSSCC welcomes Rolf Luyendijk as Executive Director

    WSSCC – 22 January 2018 

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  • Welcome to the Annual Meeting 2018

    WEF – 22 January 2018 (video) 

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  • ILO: Unemployment and decent work deficits to remain high in 2018

    ILO – 22 January 2018 

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  • Global foreign direct investment slipped in 2017

    UNCTAD – 22 January 2018 

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  • Reward work, not wealth

    Oxfam International – 22 January 2018 

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