Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern

    WHO – 17 July 2019

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  • UN Aids target to end epidemic by 2030 at risk as funding falls for first time

    The Guardian – 16 July 2019

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  • Heatwaves: urgent action needed to tackle climate change's "silent killer"

    IFRC – 16 July 2019

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  • U.S., Russia to discuss nuclear arms limits in Geneva on Wednesday – officials

    Swissinfo/Reuters – 15 July 2019

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  • IISD wins big in global Think Tank Awards

    IISD – 17 July 2019

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  • Head to Head: Biometrics and Aid

    The New Humanitarian – 17 July 2019

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  • 'Alarming' shortfall in foreign aid for world's biggest crises

    The Guardian – 16 July 2019

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  • Kaiser/UNAIDS analysis finds donor governments spent US$8 billion for HIV in 2018, similar to a decade ago

    UNAIDS – 16 July 2019

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  • Shape a new future with innovation management standards

    ISO – 16 July 2019

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  • Collaborative and innovative approaches to regulation needed to unlock the full potential of digital technologies

    ITU – 15 July 2019

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  • Bottomonium particles don't go with the flow

    CERN – 16 July 2019

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  • World Economic Forum and UN sign strategic partnership Framework

    WEF – 13 June 2019

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  • Ebola outbreak reaches major city in Congo, renewing calls for emergency order

    The New York Times – 15 July 2019

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  • 'Complacency' a factor in stagnating global vaccination rates, warn UN health chiefs

    UN News – 15 July 2019

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  • Les vins du monde à l'honneur à Genève

    Léman Bleu – 15 juillet 2019 (vidéo)

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  • Le premier hub hôtelier de Suisse s'installe à Genève

    AGEFI – 11 juillet 2019

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  • Jai Jagat 2020 : dernière étape suisse avant le grand départ

    Mediapart/blog – 15 juillet 2019

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  • UN's core values guide Volker Türk's career at UNHCR

    UNHCR – 15 July 2019

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  • The Bridge

    "Reflet des synergies uniques développées à Genève, entre sa rive gauche (siège de la finance) et sa rive droite (la Genève internationale), The Bridge donnera de l'écho aux acteurs, idées et réalisations qui contribuent à faire de la finance durable la nouvelle norme."Sustainable Finance Geneva – 11 juillet 2019

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  • L'œil de la Genève internationale : "Yoga under the Broken Chair with Handicap International Switzerland"

    Genève internationale – 15 July 2019

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  • Le gratin du vin mondial se réunit ce mois à Genève

    Tribune de Genève – 12 juillet 2019 (accès payant)

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