Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Confrontation nucléaire

    RTS / Géopolitis – 7 juin 2020  (vidéo)

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  • UN to explore role of Science and Technology Policies in Covid-19 recovery

    UNCTAD – 5 June 2020

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  • FAO, GAIN and Johns Hopkins Alliance for a healthier world launch new online dashboard to inform better food policy

    GAIN – 1 June 2020

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  • Protection de l'environnement : changer nos modes de vie, repenser notre relation à la nature

    ONU Info – 5 juin 2020

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  • World Environment Day

    “Each year, the Geneva Environment Network partners with the various environmental organizations and government authorities in Geneva and its surrounding region to celebrate World Environment Day.”
    Geneva Environment Network – 5 June 2020 

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  • Can biodiversity rebound in the aftermath of Covid-19? A view from the animal kingdom / Geneva Solutions – 4 June 2020 

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  • The Humanitarian Hub in Malakal, South Sudan Goes Green

    IOM – 5 June 2020 

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  • World leaders make historic commitments to provide equal access to vaccines for all

    Gavi – 4 June 2020 

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  • Gavi launches innovative financing mechanism for access to COVID-19 vaccines

    Gavi – 4 June 2020 

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  • The Lancet Retracts Study Finding Higher Mortality In COVID-19 Patients Taking Hydroxychloroquine

    Health Policy Watch – 4 June 2020 

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  • SITA announces new leadership appointments overseeing SITA's key product portfolios

    SITA – 4 June 2020 

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  • Donner au temps du coronavirus

    Avec Etienne Eichenberger, président du Conseil de Swiss Philanthropy Foundation et Laetitia Gill, directrice exécutive du Centre en philanthropie de l’Université de Genève
    Réformé / Youtube – 28 mai 2020 (vidéo)

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  • COVID-19 Death Toll Among Nurses Doubled in Past Month, Says Nurses Group

    The New York Times / Reuters – 3 June 2020

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  • Joint statement: Uniting for a people’s vaccine against COVID-19

    IFRC – 3 June 2020

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  • The CyberPeace Institute Launches Cyber4Healthcare

    The CyberPeace Institute – 3 June 2020

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  • La «grande réinitialisation» : le Forum de Davos lance le monde d'après

    Le Figaro – 3 juin 2020

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  • COVID-19 aid funding: The many pots and pitfalls

    The New Humanitarian – 3 June 2020

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  • WTO report examines impact of COVID-19 pandemic on small businesses

    WTO – 3 June 2020

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  • 10 tips for a safe return to work - from an International Labour Organization working mom / Geneva Solutions - 3 June 2020

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  • Look back and learn: How past pandemics and epidemics inform COVID-19 response

    The New Humanitarian – 3 June 2020

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