Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • 100 years of making work safer and healthier

    ILO – 21 May 2019

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  • Disability and Armed Conflict

    Photo exhibition by Giles DuleyGeneva Academy – May 2019

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  • UNAIDS launches Health Innovation Exchange to connect innovations in health to country needs and investments

    UNAIDS – 21 May 2019

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  • Ebola Epidemic Enduring, Conflict Zones Complicate Response, Need Of Breaking Silos Between Actors

    Health Policy Watch – 21 May 2019

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  • A l'Assemblée mondiale de la santé, le chef de l'OMS appelle à l'union contre Ebola en RDC

    ONU info – 20 mai 2019

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  • Several Ministers Of Health Speak Up For Drug Market Transparency, Lower Prices At WHA Side Event

    Health Policy Watch – 20 May 2019

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  • What's on at the UN? - Bees and Snakebites

    WRS – 20 May 2019

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  • The ICJ and Geneva Bar Association launch ambitious global project

    ICJ – 20 May 2019 

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  • What's happening in international Geneva this week?

    Seventy-second World Health Assembly; Intersessional Meetings of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention; Executive Committee at WCC; War Algorithms: Who Will Decide in Future Conflicts? at GCSP; A Better Man, film-screening and debate at the Graduate Institute; Free Yoga sur la Place des Nations, avec Handicap InternationalGenève internationale – 30 May 2019

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  • Committee against Torture closes sixty-sixth session

    UNOG – 17 May 2019 

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  • Many Swiss "know little" about International Geneva

    Swissinfo – 17 May 2019 

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  • Call to raise level of ambition on Sendai

    "The Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction closed today with a warning that not enough countries are yet putting in place national and local strategies to prevent future disasters and reduce the existing level of disaster losses."UNDRR – 17 May 2019 

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  • La femme qui parle des toilettes comme d'une mine d'or

    Heidi News – 17 mai 2019 

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  • United Nations Secretary-General appoints Gunilla Carlsson as Executive Director, a.i., of UNAIDS

    UNAIDS – 13 May 2019 

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  • Promoting "a healthy sustainable future", the UN health agency engages young and young at heart to "Walk the Talk"

    UN News – 19 May 2019 

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