Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • UNECE publishes guide to measuring the economic value of ‎education and training

    UNECE – 9 July 2020 

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  • UN launches the SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework

    UN Water – 9 July 2020 

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  • Oliver Brüning, nouveau chef du projet HL-LHC

    CERN – 2 juillet 2020 

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  • Housing and Accommodation in Geneva, Switzerland

    CAGI / Vimeo – January 2020 (video)

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  • Candidates for DG selection process 2020

    WTO – July 2020

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  • New climate predictions assess global temperatures in coming five years

    WMO – 8 July 2020

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  • Sommaruga annonce une nouvelle plateforme internationale à Genève

    Swissinfo – 8 juillet 2020

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  • Le premier procès suisse pour crime de guerre est repoussé, l'avocat nous parle

    Interview d'Alain Werner, fondateur, Civitas Maxima / Geneva Solutions – 9 juillet 2020

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  • US notifies UN of withdrawal from World Health Organization

    AP News – 7 July 2020

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  • Coronavirus : « nous n'avons clairement pas atteint le pic de la pandémie », selon l’OMS

    ONU Info – 7 juillet 2020

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  • WHO to issue new brief on airborne transmission, following ‘active engagement’ with scientists

    UN News – 7 July 2020

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  • MMV launches Malaria Libre, a new open source drug discovery programme

    Medicines for Malaria Venture – 7 July 2020

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  • Global leaders to address ILO Virtual Global Summit on COVID-19 and the World of Work

    ILO – 7 July 2020

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  • 'We squandered a decade': world losing fight against poverty, says UN academic

    The Guardian – 7 July 2020

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  • L'actualité vue par la nouvelle directrice de Terre des hommes – 8 juillet 2020

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  • UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic shows that 2020 targets will not be met because of deeply unequal success; COVID-19 risks blowing HIV progress way off course

    UNAIDS – 6 July 2020

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  • WHO: access to HIV medicines severely impacted by COVID-19 as AIDS response stalls

    WHO – 6 July 2020

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  • Health Experts Call On WHO To Recognize Widespread Airborne Transmission Of SARS-CoV-2, The Virus That Causes COVID-19

    Health Policy Watch – 6 July 2020

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  • Ten practical solutions to prevent future pandemics emerging from animal sources - UN report / Geneva Solutions – 6 July 2020

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  • Cointrin, lent retour sur piste

    Le Temps – 4 juillet 2020

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  • WTO issues latest edition of World Tariff Profiles

    WTO – 6 July 2020

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