Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • IUCN creates a global standard for evaluating trendy "nature-based solutions" / Geneva Solutions – 23 July 2020

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  • DG Azevêdo: “We’ve achieved a lot, but much remains to be done”

    “In his farewell remarks to the General Council on 23 July, Director-General Roberto Azevêdo reflected on the achievements secured during his seven years at the helm of the WTO and the challenges facing the organization ahead.”

    WTO – 23 July 2020

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  • COVID-19: No return to ‘old normal’, says UN health chief, as cases top 15 million

    UN News – 23 July 2020

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  • Visite guidée de la jonction autoroutière du Grand-Saconnex

    Tribune de Genève – 22 July 2020 (accès payant)

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  • Health and Medical in Geneva, Switzerland

    CAGI / vimeo – January 2020 (video)

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  • What is the future of the UN in the age of impunity?

    The Guardian – 23 July 2020

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  • New COVID-19 Law Lab to provide vital legal information and support for the global COVID-19 response

    WHO – 22 July 2020

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  • AP Exclusive: Aid from top donors drops even as need soars

    AP – 22 July 2020

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  • Islamist militants in northeast Nigeria execute four aid workers

    Swissinfo / Reuters – 22 July 2020

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  • An Early Front-Runner Emerges in the Race to Lead the WTO

    Bloomberg – 20 July 2020

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  • Le candidat à la tête de l’OMC Liam Fox vole la vedette

    Le Temps – 22 juillet 2020 (accès payant)

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  • Members endorse Turkmenistan’s WTO observer status

    WTO – 22 July 2020

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  • World leaders to send videos instead of traveling to U.N. in September

    Swissinfo / Reuters – 23 July 2020

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  • WHO's Next Puzzle: how can 12 people fight fake news around the world? / Geneva Solutions – 21 July 2020


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  • WHO’s conceptual framework for self-care

    WHO – 21 July 2020


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  • IPCC announces Synthesis Report Core Writing Team

    IPCC – 21 July 2020


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  • Designing South-South trade and investment projects with impact

    ITC – 21 July 2020


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  • HLPF 2020: Leaving the digital behind?

    DiPLO – 21 July 2020 (blog)


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  • Covid-19 et crise économique ne doivent pas éclipser l’urgence climatique

    Avec Bruno Giusanni

    Global Geneva – 22 juillet 2020



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  • WHO sounds alarm at spread of coronavirus in Africa

    Al Jazeera – 20 July 2020

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  • South African hospital thinks outside the box to boost COVID-19 testing

    WHO – 20 July 2020

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