Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Global Fund Selects Donald Kaberuka as Board Chair and Roslyn Morauta as Vice Chair

    The Global Fund – 3 May 2019 

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  • Raphaël Arlettaz: "Le déclin de la biodiversité effleure à peine les consciences"

    Heidi News – 2 mai 2019 

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  • Tests réussis pour un mode de transport de l'électricité plus efficace

    CERN – 30 avril 2019

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  • Nations meet in Geneva to regulate plastic waste trade

    Swissinfo – 2 May 2019

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  • Refugee, volunteer, prisoner: Sarah Mardini and Europe's hardening line on migration

    The New Humanitarian – 2 May 2019

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  • #Sharing the Success: Melissa Fleming, Head of Global Communications and Spokesperson for the High Commissioner, UNHCR

    UN Social 500 – 16 April 2019

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  • La guerre d'Espagne (1936-1939): déploiement et action du CICR en images

    CROSS-Files – 1 avril 2019

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  • In pricey Geneva, UN interns use May 1 demo to demand pay

    Swissinfo – 1 May 2019 

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  • Drug Price Transparency: 10 Countries Back World Health Assembly Resolution

    Health Policy Watch – 30 April 2019 

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  • Vaccines by air as drone medicine service takes off in Ghana

    The Guardian – 25 April 2019 

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  • Using blockchain to rebuild consumer trust in the food industry

    Interview with Kazuaki Miyagishima, Director, Department of Food Safety and Zoonoses, WHOCNN Money Switzerland – 30 April 2019 (video) 

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  • In Silicon Valley, UN Broadband Commission advocates for new innovative partnerships and business models to expand broadband networks for digital transformation

    ITU – 1 May 2019 

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  • It's time for a new era of humanitarian aid

    Start Network – 1 May 2019 

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  • U.N. Issues Urgent Warning on the Growing Peril of Drug-Resistant Infections

    The New York Times – 29 April 2019

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  • 'It looked like a gunshot wound': how a flesh-eating parasite felled a British adventurer

    The Telegraph – 26 April 2019

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  • A Genève, trois conférences pour lutter contre les déchets et les produits chimiques dangereux

    ONU – 29 avril 2019

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  • New Permanent Representative of Malta presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 29 April 2019

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  • Education Above All foundation and UNHCR in partnership to educate 450,000 displace kids

    UNHCR – 29 April 2019

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  • Landmark report on state of biodiversity to give a wake-up call to policymakers

    WWF – 29 April 2019

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  • L'œil de la Genève internationale: Disability and Armed Conflict by photographer Giles Duley

    Genève internationale – 29 avril 2019

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  • What's happening in international Geneva this week? Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination / 98th session; Meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions; 12th Board Meeting of the RBM Partnersh

    Genève internationale – 29 April 2019

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