Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Who's coming to Davos 2019?

    WEF – 15 January 2019 

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  • Syrie : le nouvel émissaire de l'ONU arrive à Damas pour sa première visite

    ONU Info – 15 janvier 2019 

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  • Kofi Annan Foundation launches Commission on Elections and Democracy in the Digital Age

    Kofi Annan Foundation – 15 January 2019 

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  • Why corporate social responsibility is "dead"

    Interview with Peter Bakker, president and CEO of the Geneva-based World Business Council for Sustainable DevelopmentCNN Money Switzerland – 15 January 2019 (Video) 

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  • One in three UN workers say they have been sexually harassed in past two years

    The Guardian/Reuters – 16 January 2019 

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  • Fire, aim, ready | Kate Gilmore | TEDxPlaceDesNationsWomen

    TEDx/YouTube – 8 January 2019 (Video) 

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  • Globalization 4.0 will help us tackle climate change. Here's how

    By Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic ForumWEF – 14 January 2019 

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  • Comité des droits de l'enfant : Michelle Bachelet appelle à donner la parole aux enfants

    ONU Info – 14 janvier 2019 

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  • Where there's political will, there's a way to protect civilians

    By Federico Borello, Executive Director of the Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC)IRIN – 14 January 2019 

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  • UNECE census guidelines on alternative data sources can help save time and money

    UNECE – 10 January 2019 

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  • Chair of G77 and China in Geneva passes from Pakistan to Ecuador

    UNCTAD - 14 January 2019 

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  • How a sanitary pads is keeping poor girls in school | Jennifer Shigoli | TEDxPlaceDesNationsWomen

    YouTube / TEDx Talks – 8 January 2019 (video) 

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  • Want to help us improve the newsletter? Just a few days left to complete our 3-minute questionnaire!
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  • Hausse modérée du nombre de passagers et baisse des mouvements d'aéronefs en 2018

    Sur l'ensemble de l'année 2018, Genève Aéroport a accueilli 17'677'045 passagers, soit 1,9% de plus qu'en 2017Genève Aéroport – 14 janvier 2019 

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  • Global Fund Announces US$ 14 Billion Target to Step Up the Fight Against Aids, TB and Malaria Ahead of Lyon Conference in October 2019

    The Global Fund - 11 January 2019 

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  • 2nd Global Constructive Journalism Conference – 18 January 2019

    Constructive Institute 

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  • CRC - Convention on the Rights of the Child

    80 Session (14 Jan 2019 - 01 Feb 2019)OHCHR 

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  • Leaders Will Address the Cultural Dimensions of Globalization 4.0 in Davos

    WEF – 10 January 2019 

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  • These Women Changed Your Life | Elise Luhr Dietrichson & Fatima Sator | TEDxPlaceDesNationsWomen

    YouTube / TEDx Talks – 8 January 2019 (video) 

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  • ILO 100 - Taking the ILO to the people

    ILO – 10 January 2019 

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  • 70 ans des Conventions de Genève: 196 Etats engagés à les respecter et à les faire respecter

    CICR blog / Le Monde – 10 janvier 2019 

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