Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • L'œil de la Genève internationale! Aujourd'hui, l'exposition de l'ACANU

    Genève internationale – 26 février 2019 

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  • Remarks by the Secretary-General on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Geneva Association of United Nations correpondents

    UNOG – 25 February 2019 

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  • Make progress or risk redundancy, UN chief warns world disarmament body

    UN News – 25 February 2019 

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  • Pour Antonio Guterres, le "monde est devenu chaotique"

    RTS – 25 février 2019 (vidéo) 

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  • New Research Study Describes DNDi As "Commons" For Public Health

    Health Policy Watch – 25 February 2019 

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  • Violence sexuelle liée aux conflits : l'ONU, la Croix-Rouge et le Croissant-Rouge appellent à agir

    ONU Info – 25 février 2019 

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  • La Suisse et le reste du monde au chevet du Yémen à Genève

    Swissinfo – 25 février 2019 

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  • 40th Regular Session of Human Rights Council

    Live webcastUN Web TV - 25 February 2019 

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  • Opening Statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet at the 40th session of the Human Rights Council

    OHCHR - 25 February 2019 

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  • Ouverture de la 40ème session du Conseil des droits de l'homme

    Allocution du Conseiller fédéral Ignazio CassisConseil fédéral – 25 février 2019 

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  • Fabiola Gianotti: "There is nothing more rewarding than discovering a new particle"

    The Guardian – 24 February 2019 

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  • Heidi News and other niche publishers take the plunge in Geneva

    Swissinfo – 24 February 2019 

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  • What's happening in international Geneva this week?

    Human Rights Council / 40th session; WTO General Council; Cérémonie de remise des Prix ACANU 2019 avec António Guterres; Nexus Dialogue on Sustainable Infrastructure for the SDGs by UN EM; High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen; Fondations nationales et internationales : quels soutiens pour quels secteurs, au Club Suisse de la Presse, and more.Genève internationale – 25 February 2019 

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  • Une clé pour la Genève internationale 4.0

    Le Temps – 20 février 2019 

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  • Human Rights Council to hold its fortieth regular session from 25 February to 22 March 2019

    UNOG - 21 February 2019 

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  • CERN Human Resources receive award from the European Commission

    CERN - 21 February 2019 

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  • Les stagiaires de l'ONU veulent être payés

    Tribune de Genève – 20 février 2019 

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  • Broadening its donor base and non-state actors – Does WHO really have a choice when it comes to financing?

    International Health Policies Network – 22 February 2019 

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  • Climate change "cause of most under-reported humanitarian crises"

    The Guardian - 21 February 2019 

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  • Opinion: 800 million reasons why disability is a key development issue

    By Kristalina Georgieva, interim president of the World Bank Group and chief executive officer of the World BankDEVEX – 20 February 2019 

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  • Federal Council strengthens Switzerland's position as host state and in addressing emerging issues

    Federal Council – 20 February 2019 

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