Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • CERN unveils its new European strategy - it does not rule out a new particle accelerator / Geneva Solutions – 26 June 2020

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  • What’s on this week?

    Human Rights Council / 44th session, CEDAW / 76th Session, Trade and Development Board at UNCTAD, ILO Global Summit on COVID-19 and the World of Work, Dialogue de Caux sur l'Environnement et la Sécurité, International Gender Champions' Fifth Anniversary, Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge 2020 at GCSP, and more. Check out the calendar! 

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  • Germany, France shore up political, financial aid to beleaguered WHO

    Swissinfo / Reuters – 25 June 2020

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  • Germany ramps up its contribution to the HIV response with an extra €20 million to UNAIDS

    UNAIDS – 25 June 2020

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  • Les vertus de «l'Alliance pour le multilatéralisme» pour raviver une coopération internationale en crise

    Le Temps – 25 juin 2020 

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  • 75 Years In, Does the UN Still Matter? Our New Podcast Episode

    PassBlue – 25 June 2020

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  • 10th Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared over; vigilance against flare-ups and support for survivors must continue

    WHO – 25 June 2020

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  • ILO Violence and Harassment Convention will enter into force in June 2021

    ILO – 25 June 2020

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  • Interpeace and UNICEF partner to contribute to peace through work with children

    Interpeace – 26 June 2020

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  • WMO certifies Megaflash lightning extremes

    WMO – 24 June 2020

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  • Speak out against torture, an ‘abhorrent denial of human dignity’, urges UN chief

    UN News – 25 June 2020

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  • À Genève, le vieux Palais des Nations s’offre un lifting

    Tribune de Genève – 26 juin 2020 (accès payant)

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  • Coronavirus : l’OMS mobilisée pour fournir des concentrateurs d’oxygène aux pays qui en ont le plus besoin

    ONU Info – 24 juin 2020

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  • Global Fund COVID-19 Report: Deaths from HIV, TB and Malaria Could Almost Double in 12 Months Unless Urgent Action is Taken

    The Global Fund – 24 June 2020

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  • Humanitarian Financing Is Failing the COVID-19 Frontlines

    Center for Global Development – 18 June 2020

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