Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Opening remarks of the Secretary-General's appeal for global ceasefire

    United Nations/Secretary-General – 23 March 2020  

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  • World's most vulnerable in 'third wave' for Covid-19 support, experts warn

    The Guardian – 20 March 2020

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  • Will coronavirus slow the world's conflicts -- or intensify them?

    Yahoo news / AFP – 22 March 2020 

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  • Gavi Board calls for bold engagement to respond to COVID-19

    Gavi – 21 March 2020 

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  • Global Fund Supports 11 Countries in Response to COVID-19

    The Global Fund – 20 March 2020 

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  • Covid-19 : MSF soutient la riposte au coronavirus dans la deuxième province la plus touchée d’Iran

    MSF – 22 mars 2020 

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  • UN Secretary-General to launch COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan

    Reliefweb / OCHA – 22 March 2020 

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  • Precarious workers pushed to the edge by COVID-19

    ILO Blog – 20 March 2020 

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  • WHO on coronavirus: 'At least a year' for vaccine

    With Dr Michael Ryan, Executive Director, WHO Health Emergencies Programme
    BBC One -  22 March 2020 (video)

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  • World Water Day focuses on climate change and “safe hands"

    WMO – 22 March 2020 

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  • COVID-19: WHO working on supply pipeline for protective equipment and tests

    UN News – 19 March 2020

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  • Didier Pittet insiste vraiment : « Ce n’est pas le virus qui circule mais les gens »

    Le Temps – 19 mars 2020 

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  • Coronavirus and aid: What we're watching

    The New Humanitarian – 19 March 2020 

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  • Marges ou santé publique ? Le modèle des pharmas remis en cause

    Le Temps – 18 mars 2020 

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  • Global Biopharmaceutical Industry pulling out all the stops to address Coronavirus public health crisis

    IFPMA – 19 March 2020 

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