Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • New Permanent Representative of Algeria
    New Permanent Representative of Algeria Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 15 October 2020

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  • New Permanent Representative of Montenegro
    New Permanent Representative of Montenegro Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 15 October 2020

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  • New Permanent Representative of Costa Rica
    New Permanent Representative of Costa Rica Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 15 October 2020

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  • Dr Philippe Duneton
    Press Release on the appointment of Dr Philippe Duneton as Unitaid’s new Executive Director

    Unitaid - 26 October 2020

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  • Anne-Marie Buzatu
    Anne-Marie Buzatu appointed Vice-President and COO of the ICT4Peace Foundation

    ICT4Peace - 15 October 2020

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  • Ronald Lavater
    In the time of COVID-19, the IHF gives a new impulse to its leadership

    International Hospital Federation (IHF) - 6 August 2020

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  • UICC members
    UICC members welcome the new President and Board of Directors for 2020-2022

    IUCC - 6 October 2020

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  • Ivan Pictet
    Ivan Pictet joins the Board of the Kofi Annan Foundation

    Kofi Annan Foundation - 1 October 2020

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  • Daren Tang
    Daren Tang Assumes Functions as WIPO Director General

    WIPO - 1 October 2020

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  • Ivan Pictet
    Fondation Pour Genève president Ivan Pictet hands over the reins to Marc Pictet

    Geneva Solutions - 1 October 2020

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  • Pamela Coke-Hamilton
    Pamela Coke-Hamilton, new Executive Director of the International Trade Centre

    ITC - 1 October 2020

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  • José Manuel Barroso
    José Manuel Barroso named as new Chair of the Gavi Board

    GAVI - 29 September 2020

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  • New Permanent Representative of Spain
    New Permanent Representative of Spain Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 1 October 2020

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  • New Permanent Representative of India
    New Permanent Representative of India Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 29 September 2020

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  • New Permanent Representative of Maldives
    New Permanent Representative of Maldives Presents Credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UN Geneva - 28 September 2020

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