Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • Helping small states have a big say in nuclear disarmament

    With Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director, ICAN

    Geneva Solutions – 29 September 2020

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  • International Cooperation Welcomed Across 14 Advanced Economies

    Pew Research Center – 21 September 2020

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  • Tim Radjy rejoint le Comité Stratégie & Surveillance de Sustainable Finance Geneva

    Allnews – 24 septembre 2020

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  • UN75 special adviser: We’re lacking political will to tackle global humanitarian crises

    Geneva Solutions – 29 September 2020

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  • Joint press statement by the UN office of the Special Envoy for Yemen and the ICRC on the 4th meeting of the Supervisory Committee

    ICRC – 27 September 2020

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  • Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: ICRC calls on the sides to spare civilians

    ICRC – 27 September 2020

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  • Pour être efficaces, les outils contre le coronavirus doivent être accessibles aux plus vulnérables (OMS)

    ONU Info – 25 septembre 2020

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  • UK to become WHO's largest state donor with 30% funding increase

    The Guardian – 25 September 2020

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  • EIC Horizon Prize on Affordable High-Tech for Humanitarian Aid: Commission awards five outstanding solutions

    European Commission – 24 September 2020

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  • Micheline Calmy-Rey: How AI could become the new frontier in conflict resolution

    Geneva Solutions – 26 September 2020

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  • Schweizer Polizei machtlos

    "Diplomaten verweigern Bussen in Millionenhöhe"
    Blick – 28. September 2020

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  • À l’ONU, le degré zéro de la diplomatie

    Par Pierre Ruetschi, Directeur exécutif, Club suisse de la presse

    Tribune de Genève – 25 septembre 2020 (accès payant)

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  • What’s on this week?

    Geneva Trade Week by the Geneva Trade Platform; Human Rights Council / 45th session; Executive Council - Seventy-second Session at WMO; THE Port: Humanitarian Hackathon at CERN; Cyber Stability Conference: Exploring The Future Of Institutional Dialogue, at UNIDIR; Global Sustainable Aviation Forum - Green Recovery, at IATA; Covid-19: comment sauver les emplois et reconfigurer le marché du travail? Au Club suisse de la presse

    Check out the calendar for more events!

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  • WEF, global companies outline new ESG reporting standards

    Geneva Solutions – 24 September 2020

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  • Impaakt's Bertrand Gacon: 'Having good practices is not the same as making a positive impact'

    Geneva Solutions – 25 September 2020

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