Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • New WHO recommendations to accelerate progress on TB

    WHO - 20 March 2019 

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  • A global hub for antimicrobial resistance is taking shape

    Devex - 20 March 2019

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  • Pourquoi la langue originale des Conventions de Genève est-elle le français ?

    L’Humanitaire dans tous ses Etats – 20 mars 2019

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  • What happiness can teach us about how we measure human development

    By Achim Steiner, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)WEF - 20 March 2019 

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  • Yémen: en images, dans la détresse d'un conflit sans fin

    Le Temps – 19 mars 2019 

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  • Le DFAE soutient activement le dialogue entre la science et la diplomatie

    Confédération suisse – 19 mars 2019 

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  • WHO Human Gene Editing Expert Group: Start With A Global Registry

    Health Policy Watch – 19 March 2019 

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  • World Water Development Report 2019: 'Leaving no one behind'

    UN Water – 19 March 2019 

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  • ILO Governing Body elects Ambassador Silvia Elena Alfaro Espinosa as new Chairperson

    ILO – 19 March 2019 

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  • World Meteorological Day celebrates the Sun, the Earth and the Weather

    WHO – 19 March 2019 

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  • The humble sweet potato can help power Africa in the face of climate change

    By Nane AnnanKofi Annan Foundation – 18 March 2019 

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  • Can this UN body force Swiss companies to change how they do business?

    CNN Money Switzerland – 19 March 2019 (video) 

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  • UN Human Rights Council: an answer to burning injustice?

    Swissinfo – 19 March 2019 

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  • Finland Again is the Happiest Country in the World

    World Happiness Report – 20 March 2019 

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  • U.N. hosting Western Sahara talks in Switzerland this week

    Reuters – 18 March 2019 

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  • TB Remains A Major Public Health Problem In Europe, Report Finds

    Health Policy Watch – 19 March 2019 

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  • New Global Coalition Will Focus on Improving Value of Healthcare

    WEF – 18 March 2019 

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  • WIPO Election: Who Will Run To Be The Next Director General?

    IP-Watch – 18 March 2019 

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  • Encouraging progress made in 2018, in 'zero tolerance' effort to end sexual exploitation and abuse across UN

    UN News – 18 March 2019 

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  • IATA CEO: We will see electric airplanes in 20 years

    CNN Money Switzerland - 18 March 2019 (video) 

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  • Donors pledge more than US$7 billion to meet needs of displaced Syrians

    UNHCR – 14 March 2019 

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