Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies - CIHRS

"Founded in 1993, CIHRS works to ensure respect for human rights and democratic principles throughout the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). CIHRS' primary mission is to protect and empower the human rights movement within the MENA region, including by providing analysis on the difficulties and challenges facing the application of international human rights and humanitarian law, research on particular human rights situations, activities to foster a culture of respect for human rights, capacity building and training for those involved in rights based reform and accountability measures, and regular advocacy on national, regional and international levels. CIHRS has established offices in Cairo, Tunis, and Geneva, as well as permanent representatives in other locations throughout the world. CIHRS established an office in Geneva in 2008 to act as a regional hub to assist human rights defenders and organizations throughout the MENA region to engage with the United Nations and other international organizations. CIHRS enjoys consultative status with the United Nations and the African Commission on Human and People's Rights. The organization's work has been recognized with multiple awards including the French Republic Award for Human Rights in 2007."