© Luca Fascini
All activities in International Geneva at a glance. To stay informed about international Geneva upcoming events, subscribe to our weekly newsletter.
Organizer | Event | Date | Location | Link |
Human Rights Council / HRC 58th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010976/ |
Meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions in 2025 |
Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG) | https://www.brsmeas.org/2025COPs/Overview/tabid/9742/language/en-US/Default.aspx |
78th World Health Assembly |
WHO Headquarters and live webcast | https://www.who.int/about/governance |
113th Session of the International Labour Conference |
Palais des Nations and ILO headquarters | https://www.ilo.org/international-labour-conference/113th-session-international… |
Human Rights Council / HRC 59th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010973/ |
ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment 2025 |
Palais des Nations | https://ecosoc.un.org/en/events/2025/humanitarian-affairs-segment |
Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO: 66th Series of Meetings |
WIPO Headquarters and Online | https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=85231 |
AI for Good Global Summit 2025 |
Geneva and online | https://aiforgood.itu.int/summit25/ |
Organizer | Event | Date | Location | Link |
Organizational meeting for the UPR selection of Troikas |
Room XX (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1010970/ |
Human Rights Council interactive dialogue on the oral update by the High Commissioner on the findings of the OHCHR report on the situation of human rights in Ukraine |
Room XX (Palais des Nations) | https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/interactive-dialogue-oral-update-ukraine… |
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) / 98th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010252/ |
HRC Working Group on discrimination against women and girls / 42nd session |
Room PW1 (Palais Wilson) | https://indico.un.org/event/1011107/ |
ITU-T Study Group 21 | Technologies for multimedia, content delivery and cable television |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/studygroups/2025-2028/21/Pages/default.aspx |
23rd session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action |
Palais des Nations | https://www.ohchr.org/en/events/events/2025/23rd-session-intergovernmental-work… |
ITU-T Study Group 12 | Performance, quality of service and quality of experience |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/studygroups/2025-2028/12/Pages/default.aspx |
World Congress on Enforced Disappearances |
Centre International de Conférences - CICG Genève | https://www.edworldcongress.org/ |
ITU-T Study Group 20 | Internet of Things, digital twins and smart sustainable cities and communities |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/studygroups/2025-2028/20/Pages/default.aspx |
138th UNECE Executive Committee meeting |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397370 |
Workshops on Cybersecurity (Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles GRVA) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397169 |
Film Screening "Cabrini" |
Room XIX (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1015462/ |
ITU and ISO/IEC Workshop on “Future video coding – advanced signal processing, AI and standards” |
ITU Headquarters and Online | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/Workshops-and-Seminars/2025/0117/Pages/default.aspx |
Conference on Disarmament (Part I) |
Palais des Nations | https://meetings.unoda.org/cd/conference-on-disarmament-2025 |
HRC Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review / 48th session #UPR48 |
Room AH (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1011021/ |
64th meeting of the Standing Committee |
Secretariat headquarters | https://www.ramsar.org/meeting/64th-meeting-standing-committee |
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting |
Davos-Klosters | https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2025/ |
Committee of Experts of the Vienna Union: 9th Session |
WIPO Headquarters and Online | https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=85269 |
Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (21st session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/396013 |
Working Party on the Programme Plan and Programme Performance, 89th session |
Palais des Nations | https://unctad.org/meeting/working-party-programme-plan-and-programme-performan… |
Geneva Environment Network High Level 25th Anniversary Celebration |
International Environment House 2 | https://www.genevaenvironmentnetwork.org/events/geneva-environment-network-high… |
UNIDIR: Board of Trustees |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010302/ |
And others |
Launch of the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation 2025 |
WMO Headquarters & Online | https://www.un-glaciers.org/en/official-launch-event |
Expert workshop on new developments in ensuring access to medicines, vaccines and other health products |
Virtual | https://www.ohchr.org/en/events/events/2025/expert-workshop-new-developments-en… |
4th Meeting of TDAG Working Group on Future Study Group Questions |
Virtual Event | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Conferences/TDAG/Pages/2024/TDAG_WG_futureSGQ.aspx |
3rd Meeting of TDAG Informal Coordination Group on the Youth Summit and the Global Celebration |
Virtual Event | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Conferences/TDAG/Pages/2024/TDAG_ICG_GYS.aspx |
Webinar | What AI may mean for public engagement with parliaments |
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Online | https://www.ipu.org/event/what-ai-may-mean-public-engagement-with-parliaments |
Conférence de Clare O’Dea |
Société de Lecture | https://www.clubdiplomatique.ch/conference-de-clare-odea/ |
Strategic Project Management for Development Q&A |
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Online | https://executive.graduateinstitute.ch/events/strategic-project-management-deve… |
Extra-ordinary meeting of the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG) |
Virtual Event | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Conferences/TDAG/Pages/2025/TDAG_Extra-ordinary_me… |
Exporting Lead Poisoning: The Toxic Trade in Lead Chromates | Road to 2025 BRS COPs |
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Online | https://www.genevaenvironmentnetwork.org/events/exporting-lead-poisoning-the-to… |
Advocacy and International Public Affairs Q&A |
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Online | https://executive.graduateinstitute.ch/events/advocacy-and-international-public… |
Ceremony of the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust |
Palais des Nations | https://mailchi.mp/1c75b375b375/invitation-holocaust-remembrance-in-geneva-1798… |
Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) / 55th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010264/ |
HRC Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances / 135th session |
Room IX (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1010444/ |
Technical meeting on the promotion of decent work and a just transition, including skills and lifelong learning, in the food and beverages industry |
ILO Headquarters | https://www.ilo.org/meetings-and-events/sectorial/technical-meeting-promotion-d… |
Joint Meeting of Experts on the Regulations annexed to the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) (45th session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/394493 |
Production Technology Seminar 2025 |
EBU Headquarters | https://tech.ebu.ch/events/2025/production-technology-seminar-2025 |
Data Protection Day 2024 |
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Online | https://indico.cern.ch/event/1486632/ |
Réception du Nouvel An diplomatique |
Siège de l'UIT | https://www.clubdiplomatique.ch/nouvel-an-diplomatique-2/ |
Meet the author of Detectors in particle physics |
52/1-052 (CERN) | https://indico.cern.ch/event/1490863/ |
Programme, Budget and Administration Committee of the Executive Board: forty-first meeting |
WHO Headquarters | https://apps.who.int/gb/gov/en/dates-of-meetings-eb_en.html |
Partner2Connect Annual Meeting |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/itu-d/sites/partner2connect/partner2connect-annual-meeting-… |
Launch of the Annual Appeal 2025 |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1014879/ |
Group of Experts on Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation for Inland Transport (28th session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397378 |
Meeting of the Bureau of the Protocol on Water and Health |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397528 |
Space Connect | E1 – LEO Satellite Systems Fundamentals |
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Live webcast | https://www.itu.int/space-connect/january-2025/ |
Introducing UNHCR Executive Committee Conclusion on Durable Solutions and Complementary Pathways |
Room XXV (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1015561/ |
Administrative Committee of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) (33rd session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/394497 |
Technical briefing on the topic for the ExCom conclusion - climate action as relevant to UNHCR's activities |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1015512/ |
World Food Forum | Thematic Youth Assembly on Supporting Women and Girls in Decent Rural Employment |
Palais des Nations and online | https://indico.un.org/event/1015530/ |
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) / 100th Pre-sessional Working Group |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010242/ |
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) / 90th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010909/ |
HRC Working Group on Business and Human Rights / 40th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1011888/ |
TIR Executive Board (TIRExB) |
Room VIII (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1011587/ |
78th Meeting of the Standing Committee |
Geneva | https://cites.org/eng/sc/78/agenda-documents |
Trade and Development Board, 77th executive session |
Palais des Nations | https://unctad.org/meeting/trade-and-development-board-77th-executive-session |
156th session of the Executive Board |
WHO Headquarters | https://apps.who.int/gb/gov/en/dates-of-meetings-eb_en.html |
Considérations technologiques dans les cadres pour les femmes, la paix et la sécurité |
Room XXV (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1015607/ |
ITU-R Working Party 5D | IMT Systems |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg5/rwp5d/Pages/default.aspx |
Advisory Committee on Enforcement: 17th Session |
WIPO Headquarters and Online | https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=84728 |
Working Party on Customs Questions affecting Transport (168th session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/395860 |
TIR Administrative Committee (85th session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/395862 |
ITU-T Study Group 2 | Operational aspects of telecommunications and ICTs |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/studygroups/2025-2028/02/Pages/default.aspx |
First Standing Committee on Climate Services (SC-CLI) meeting |
WMO Headquarters | https://wmo.int/events/meeting/first-standing-committee-climate-services-sc-cli… |
2nd CERN Art and Science Summit |
Sergio Marchionne Auditorium (CERN Science Gateway) | https://indico.cern.ch/event/1489710/ |
Human Rights and the Environment: Meeting on Activities Related to 58th Session of the Human Rights Council |
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International Environment House I & Online | https://www.genevaenvironmentnetwork.org/events/human-rights-and-the-environmen… |
Organizational meeting for the 58th session of the Human Rights Council |
Room AH (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1010969/ |
HRC Working Group on Communications / 35th session |
Room III (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1011020/ |
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) / 77th Session |
Room PWG (Palais Wilson) | https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/_layouts/15/treatybodyexternal/SessionDetails1.asp… |
Group of Experts on European Agreement Concerning Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in International Road Transport (AETR) - 37th session |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/396852 |
Cluster of Council Working Groups, Expert Groups and Informal Expert Group (CWGs & EGs) |
ITU Headquarters | https://council.itu.int/2024/en/about/working-groups/ |
Global Flood Pilot |
WMO Headquarters | https://wmo.int/events/meeting/global-flood-pilot |
Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Parliamentary Event |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1015563/ |
Seventh intersessional meeting of the Human Rights Council on Human Rights and the 2030 Agenda |
Room XX (Palais des Nations) | https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/intersessional-activities |
Implementation Committee (Espoo Convention), 61st session |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397097 |
156th Meeting of the SPS and PS Experiments Committee (SPSC) |
CERN | https://indico.cern.ch/event/1487666/ |
(ITC) Inland Transport Committee (87th session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397645 |
Second GFMD Preparatory Meetings |
Geneva & Hybrid | https://www.gfmd.org/second-gfmd-preparatory-meetings-0 |
Les marques dans le monde numérique / Trademarks in the Digital World | Journée de Droit de la Propriété Intellectuelle 2025 |
Uni mail et en ligne | https://www.unige.ch/droit/jdpi/informations-generales/ |
The Voice of Science - Meet Prof. Carsten Welsch |
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52/1-052 (CERN) | https://indico.cern.ch/event/1470941/ |
Immunization and vaccines related implementation research advisory committee (IVIR-AC) |
WHO Headquarters | https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2025/02/17/default-calendar/immuniz… |
HRC Advisory Committee / 33rd session |
Room AH (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1011017/ |
UNOG Director-General's annual meeting with civil society |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1012915/ |
Fourth Meeting of the TDAG Informal Coordination Group on the Youth Summit and the Global Celebration |
Virtual Event | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Conferences/TDAG/Pages/2024/TDAG_ICG_GYS.aspx |
Half-day of general discussion on gender stereotypes |
Palais des Nations Room XXIII | https://www.ohchr.org/en/events/days-general-discussion-dgd/2025/half-day-gener… |
Tripartite Technical Meeting on Access to Labour Justice for All: Prevention and resolution of labour disputes |
ILO Headquarters | https://www.ilo.org/meetings-and-events/tripartite-technical-meeting-access-lab… |
Working Party on Noise and Tyres (81st session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/396014 |
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Working Group : 18th Session |
WIPO Headquarters and Online | https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=86208 |
ITU-T Study Group 11 | Signalling requirements, protocols, test specifications and combating counterfeit telecommunication/ICT devices |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/studygroups/2025-2028/11/Pages/default.aspx |
Industrial Energy Efficiency: Bi-monthly open discussion forum |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397657 |
Briefing on sustainable responses |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1015338/ |
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) / 92nd Pre-sessional Working Group |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010920/ |
Human Rights Council / HRC 58th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010976/ |
HRC Working Group on the Rights of Peasants / 3rd session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1011890/ |
IPC Union - Committee of Experts : 56th Session |
WIPO Headquarters and Online | https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=86189 |
Board of Trustees of the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples / 38th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1011134/ |
ITU-R Working Party 6C | Programme production and quality assessment |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg6/rwp6c/Pages/default.aspx |
Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) / Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on emerging technologies in the area of lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS), First session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010210/ |
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) / 32nd session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010238/ |
Human Rights Committee (CCPR) / 143rd session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010929/ |
Board of Trustees of the UN Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Peoples / 39th session |
Room IX (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1011134/ |
Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore: 50th session |
WIPO Headquarters | https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=85308 |
5th United Nations Ocean Forum on trade-related aspects of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Ocean economy, trade policy, the climate and development nexus |
Salle XIX, Palais des Nations | https://unctad.org/meeting/5th-united-nations-ocean-forum-trade-related-aspects… |
ITU-T Study Group 13 | Future networks and emerging network technologies |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/studygroups/2025-2028/13/Pages/default.aspx |
5th Meeting of TDAG Working Group on Future Study Group Questions |
Virtual meeting | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Conferences/TDAG/Pages/2024/TDAG_WG_futureSGQ.aspx |
World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (195th session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397262 |
ITU-R Working Party 6A | Terrestrial broadcasting delivery |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg6/rwp6a/Pages/default.aspx |
International Film Festival and Forum on Humain Rights | FIFDH 23rd edition |
Maison communale de Plainpalais, Rue de Carouge 52 | https://fifdh.org/ |
Joint Coordination Activity on Machine Learning Meeting #7 |
E-Meeting | http://www.itu.int/events/eventdetails.asp?lang=en&eventid=23150 |
ITU-R Working Party 6B | Broadcast service assembly and access |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg6/rwp6b/Pages/default.aspx |
HRC UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture Board of Trustees / 61st session |
Room IX (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1010508/ |
TIR Executive Board (TIRExB) |
Room V (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1012050/ |
4th Working Group meeting of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Digital Access Service (DAS) for priority documents |
WIPO Headquarters and Online | https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=86188 |
353rd Session of the Governing Body |
ILO Headquarters | https://www.ilo.org/ilo-governing-body/353rd-session-governing-body |
Data Technology Seminar 2025 |
EBU Headquarters | https://tech.ebu.ch/events/2025/data-technology-seminar-2025-tbc |
92nd meeting of the Standing Committee |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1015301/ |
86th meeting of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397897 |
Technical Implementation Body (9th session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/395866 |
10th Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention Pledging Conference |
Room VII (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1015577/ |
ITU-R Study Group 6 | Broadcasting service |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg6/Pages/default.aspx |
ITU-R Radio Regulations Board (RRB) |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/conferences/RRB/Pages/default.aspx |
ITU-T Study Group 15 | Networks, technologies and infrastructures for transport, access and home |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/studygroups/2022-2024/15/Pages/default.aspx |
ITU-R Working Party 7B | Space radiocommunication applications |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg7/rwp7b/Pages/default.aspx |
ITU-R Working Party 7C | Remote sensing systems |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg7/rwp7c/Pages/default.aspx |
ITU-R Working Party 7A | Time signals and frequency standard emissions |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg7/rwp7a/Pages/default.aspx |
ITU-R Working Party 7D | Radio astronomy |
ITU Headquarters and online | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg7/rwp7d/Pages/default.aspx |
International Debt Management Conference, 14th session |
Room XXVII, Palais des Nations | https://unctad.org/meeting/international-debt-management-conference-fourteenth-… |
HRC Working Group on Arbitrary Detention / 102nd session |
Room IX (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1010839/ |
37th meeting of the Bureau of the Water Convention |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397744 |
Joint OECD-UNECE Seminar on SEEA Implementation |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/395887 |
INN Session with INN stakeholders |
WHO Headquarters | https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2025/03/18/default-calendar/inn-ses… |
80th INN Consultation |
WHO Headquarters | https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2025/03/18/default-calendar/80th-in… |
Fifty-second session of the Specialized Section on Standardization of Seed Potatoes (GE.6) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/396449 |
Global workshop on increasing climate resilience to extreme water events, with focus on floods at the national and transboundary levels |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397529 |
Debt Management and Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) Programme Advisory Group, 14th meeting |
Palais des Nations | https://unctad.org/meeting/debt-management-and-financial-analysis-system-dmfas-… |
15th meeting of the Task Force on Water and Climate |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397530 |
Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) / 21st Pre-Sessional Working Group |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010251/ |
Joint Meeting of the RID Committee of Experts and the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/391039 |
Informal Meeting on through-life conventional ammunition management |
Room XXVII (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1012555/ |
UNECE Resource Management Week 2025 |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/393562 |
20th session of the Group of Experts on Coal Mine Methane and Just Transition |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/393730 |
Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications: 48th session |
WIPO Headquarters and Online | https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=85271 |
16th Session of the Expert Group on Resource Management |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/393562 |
Second global meeting on skin-related neglected tropical diseases (skin NTDs) |
WHO Headquarters & Online | https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2025/03/24/default-calendar/second-… |
Webinar | Enabling a sustainable hydrogen market ramp-up |
Online | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397079 |
Working Party on Pollution and Energy (92nd session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/396028 |
5th Meeting of TDAG Working Group on Streamlining Resolutions |
Virtual Event | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Conferences/TDAG/Pages/2024/TDAG_WG_SR.aspx |
ITU-R Study Group 7 | Science services |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg7/Pages/default.aspx |
Roundtable on Artificial Intelligence Security and Ethics (RAISE) |
Room V (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1015513/ |
Committee Against Torture (CAT) / 82nd session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010901/ |
Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED) / 28th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010917/ |
Fifth Meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee established under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006) |
ILO Headquarters | https://www.ilo.org/meetings-and-events/fifth-meeting-special-tripartite-commit… |
HRC Working Group on the use of mercenaries / 54th session |
Room IX (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1011619/ |
International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1012589/ |
Working Party on General Safety Provisions (129th session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/396046 |
Commission on Science and Technology for Development, 28th session |
Palais des Nations | https://unctad.org/meeting/commission-science-and-technology-development-twenty… |
Urban Greenhouse Gas Conference and Stakeholder Summit 2025 |
WMO Headquarters | https://community.wmo.int/en/meetings/urban-greenhouse-gas-conference-and-stake… |
Meeting of the Expert Group on Environmental Performance Reviews |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397447 |
19th meeting of the Implementation Committee under the Water Convention |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397531 |
Women in AI Fellowship |
Room XXIII (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1015510/ |
Meeting of the Group of Experts on National Accounts |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/394185 |
ITU-T Study Group 3 | Tariff and accounting principles and international telecommunication/ICT economic and policy issues |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/studygroups/2025-2028/03/Pages/default.aspx |
ITU-T Study Group 17: Security |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/studygroups/2025-2028/17/Pages/default.aspx |
71st Session of the Economic Commission for Europe |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/393881 |
Sustainability Summit 2025 |
EBU Headquarters | https://tech.ebu.ch/events/2025/sustainability-summit-2025 |
27th session of the Working Group on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/396077 |
Expert workshop on the role of the family and family-oriented approaches, policies and programmes in the promotion and protection of human rights and in sustainable development |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1015447/ |
24th session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action |
Room XII (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1011292/ |
Meeting of Chairpersons of the HR Treaty Bodies / 37th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1011393/ |
Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on regulatory framework of activities of private military and security companies / 6th session |
Palais des Nations | https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/pms-cs/igwg-index1 |
WIPO ICT Leadership Dialogue (WILD) : 1st session |
WIPO Headquarters | https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=86271 |
Standing Committee on Health Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response: sixth meeting |
WHO Headquarters | https://apps.who.int/gb/gov/en/dates-of-meetings-eb_en.html |
11th session of the Group of Independent Eminent Experts on the Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1011876/ |
HRC Working Group on Business and Human Rights / 41st session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1011877/ |
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) / 115th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010925/ |
Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (92nd session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/396052 |
ITU-R Working Party 4C | Efficient orbit/spectrum utilization for MSS and RDSS |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg4/rwp4c/Pages/default.aspx |
ITU-R Working Party 5B | Maritime mobile service including the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS); the aeronautical mobile service and the radiodetermination service |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg5/rwp5b/Pages/default.aspx |
Meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions in 2025 |
Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG) | https://www.brsmeas.org/2025COPs/Overview/tabid/9742/language/en-US/Default.aspx |
HRC Working Group on People of African Descent / 36th session |
Room XII (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1010408/ |
HRC Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances / 136th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010442/ |
HRC Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review / 49th session #UPR49 |
Room AH (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1011015/ |
HRC Working Group on Situations / 35th session |
Room V (Palais des Nations) | https://indico.un.org/event/1011018/ |
Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/394156 |
Nice Union - Committee of Experts: 35th Session |
WIPO Headquarters and Online | https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=85272 |
LHC Resources Review Boards Meetings |
Council Chamber (CERN) | https://indico.cern.ch/event/1473678/ |
Trade and Development Commission, 15th session |
Palais des Nations | https://unctad.org/meeting/trade-and-development-commission-fifteenth-session |
14th session of the Working Party on Land Administration |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/397188 |
Fourth Meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 - Enabling environment for meaningful connectivity |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Study-Groups/2022-2025/Pages/default.aspx |
ITU-R Working Party 4B | Systems, air interfaces, performance and availability objectives for FSS, BSS and MSS, including IP-based applications and satellite news gathering |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg4/rwp4b/Pages/default.aspx |
OEIGWG on an OP-CRC to extend the right to free education / 1st session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/category/101149/ |
ITU-R Working Party 4A | Efficient orbit/spectrum utilization for FSS and BSS |
ITU Headquarters | https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/study-groups/rsg4/rwp4a/Pages/default.aspx |
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) / 99th session |
Palais des Nations | https://indico.un.org/event/1010237/ |
Twenty-fifth Expert Committee on Selection and Use of Essential Medicines |
WHO Headquarters | https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2025/05/05/default-calendar/twenty-… |
GANHRI 2025 Annual Meeting |
Palais des Nations | https://ganhri.org/event/ |
Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (117th session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/391041 |
Working Party on Passive Safety (77th session) |
Palais des Nations | https://unece.org/info/events/event/396057 |
Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) : 34th Session |
WIPO Headquarters and Online | https://www.wipo.int/meetings/en/details.jsp?meeting_id=85668 |
Investment, Enterprise and Development Commission, 15th session |
Palais des Nations | https://unctad.org/meeting/investment-enterprise-and-development-commission-fif… |
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