Swissaid, Serhat Beyazkaya, Helvetas, Enfants du Monde, ONU
Fédération genevoise de coopération Roundtable: 17 Goals to Transform our World. Thursday 4 October 2018 from 6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. at Uni Mail
In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The most ambitious plan ever agreed to by the countries of the world, it calls on governments, the private sector, civil society, NGOs and citizens alike to join forces in order to meet their commitments and achieve the SDGs' 169 objectives by 2030.
What strategies and tools will public institutions and NGOs involved in development aid use to realise the SDGs? This question and more will be explored at a roundtable organised by the Fédération genevoise de coopération (FGC), in partnership with the University of Geneva, the SDG Lab at UNOG and Biovision, on the occasion of the 5th Geneva Solidarity Day, full program here.
About the Fédération genevoise de coopération
The FGC is a network of around 60 NGOs that provide development assistance to the global south while also seeking to raise public awareness of development issues in Geneva. It is a key partner of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation as well as many public bodies in the Canton of Geneva, which allocate part of their international solidarity budget to the FGC. For over 50 years, the FGC and its members have been committed to supporting the economic, social and cultural rights of underpriviledged communities around the world. The Federation's development activities contribute to SDG 1 "end poverty" and SDG 10 "reduce inequalities", both of which are central goals of development assistance. The projects it supports also help advance many other SDGs, including good health, quality education for all, zero hunger and decent work.