Movers and Shakers

Suivez l'actualité professionnelle sur les nominations, les promotions ou les changements de poste des personnes qui façonnent la Genève internationale.


  • UN issues $6.7 billion appeal to protect millions of lives and stem the spread of coronavirus in fragile countries

    Reliefweb / OCHA – 7 May 2020

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  • Covid-19 : après une telle pandémie, il ne peut y avoir de « retour à la normale », estime l’OMS

    ONU Info – 6 mai 2020 

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  • «Le Covid-19 est l’occasion de réaffirmer le droit à la santé»

    Interview de Winnie Byanyima, directrice de l’Onusida
    Le Temps – 5 mai 2020 

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  • Real-time data can help combat Covid-19 in Africa / Geneva Solutions – 5 May 2020 

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  • From the ‘Spanish Flu’ to COVID-19: lessons from the 1918 pandemic and First World War

    ICRC / Humanitarian Law & Policy – 23 April 2020 

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  • 3rd Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge 2020: Join us virtually

    WHO – 5 May 2020

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  • Norway increases commitment to immunisation for the most vulnerable, pledges USD 1 billion to Gavi

    Gavi – 4 May 2020

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  • IATA Calls for Passenger Face Covering and Crew Masks

    IATA – 5 May 2020

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  • Real-time data can help combat COVID-19 on the African continent / Geneva Solutions – 5 May 2020

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  • How covid-19 gave peace a chance, and nobody took it

    The Economist – 5 May 2020 (upon registration)

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  • Digital Watch newsletter - Issue 49 - April 2020

    Geneva Internet Platform – 4 May 2020

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  • The Bridge Newsletter: Echoes from Geneva - Where Finance Meets Impact

    Sustainable Finance Geneva – April 2020

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  • The Higgs boson: What makes it special?

    CERN – 4 May 2020

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  • Countries Pledge 7.36 Billion Euros Towards Global COVID-19 Response – Nearly Reaching Goal

    Health Policy Watch – 4 May 2020 

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  • Is air pollution making the coronavirus pandemic even more deadly?

    The Guardian – 4 May 2020 

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