Movers and Shakers

Keep track of professionally-related news about appointments, promotions or moves to other institutions within International Geneva.


  • Finance durable: un pont entre la Genève financière et la Genève internationale

    Par Yves Mirabaud, président de la Fondation Genève Place FinancièreLe Temps – 22 septembre 2019 (accès payant)

  • Banks worth $47 trillion adopt new U.N.-backed climate principles

    Reuters – 22 September 2019

  • Global Climate in 2015-2019: Climate change accelerates

    WMO – 22 September 2019

  • Progress On Universal Health Coverage Lagging: WHO Report Released Ahead Of High Level UHC Meeting

    Health Policy Watch – 22 September 2019

  • Global internet growth stalls and focus shifts to 'meaningful universal connectivity' to drive global development

    ITU – 22 September 2019

  • What's on this week?

    Human Rights Council and Committee on the Rights of the Child continue; 8th Digital Cargo Conference at IATA; The ILO@100: Addressing the Past and Future of Work and Social Protection at IHEID; Ciné ONU: The Babushkas of Chernobyl; Partnerships for innovation: How far can blockchain applications help the United Nations system organisations in supporting sustainable development? at UNOG; and more. Check out our calendar!Genève internationale – 23 September 2019 

  • Genève et l'avenir du multilatéralisme

    Vidéo de la conférence du 16 septembre2019 à l'Université de GenèveUNIGE – 16 septembre 2019

  • « Comment désamorcer les discours de guerre »

    Table ronde avec Mme Solange Ghernaouti, M. Jovan Kurbalija, M. Igor Ustinov, M. Blaise Lempen et M. Frédéric Esposito, 20 septembre 2019, 17h30, salle de conférence du Château de PenthesClub suisse de la presse – 20 septembre 2019 

  • Public Forum programme is now available

    "This year's Public Forum, entitled "Trading Forward: Adapting to a Changing World", will feature 136 sessions to be held at the WTO's headquarters from 8 to 11 October"WTO - 19 September 2019 

  • Digital Watch newsletter - Issue 42 : the top digital policy trends in July & August 2019

    Geneva Internet Platform - 15 September 2019 

  • At age 74, the UN wants to be young again

    Devex – 19 September 2019 

  • Global Fund Partnership has Saved 32 Million Lives

    The Global Fund – 19 September 2019

  • World at risk of pandemics that could kill millions, panel warns

    Reuters- 18 September 2019

  • Ambitious Universal Health Coverage Declaration Goes Before World Leaders at UNGA

    Health Policy Watch – 18 September 2019

  • Des anciens du CERN révolutionnent une technologie médicale appelée protonthérapie

    Heidi News – 18 septembre 2019 (accès payant)

  • Taux négatifs à la carte pour les PME, associations et ONG

    Le Temps – 18 septembre 2019 (accès payant)

  • UN Secretary-General announces new Climate Action Summit jobs initiative; urges countries to join

    ILO – 18 September 2019

  • Opening remarks at press conference at the outset of the 74th session of the General Assembly

    By António GuterresUnited Nations Secretary-General – 18 September 2019 

  • Accelerate2030 brings innovative solutions to scale

    Accelerate2030 – 17 September 2019

  • International Geneva eyes expansion as chf 112 mn funding approved

    CNN Money Switzerland – 17 September 2019 (video)

  • Geneva and the future of multilateralism

    Allocution de Mme Tatiana Valovaya, Secrétaire générale adjointe des Nations Unies, Directrice générale de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève (en français)UNOG – 16 September 2019
