Movers and Shakers

Keep track of professionally-related news about appointments, promotions or moves to other institutions within International Geneva.


  • Pour les 30 ans du web, le site du CERN devient rétro

    CERN – 1er avril 2019 

  • What's happening in international Geneva this week?

    eCommerce Week 2019: From Digitalization to Development at UNCTAD, Architecture for life with Kenfo Kuma at the Graduate Institute, Take action for a safer world, panel discussion at UNIGE on the occasion of International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine ActionGenève internationale – 1 April 2019 

  • Climate change: Global impacts 'accelerating' - WMO

    BBC - 29 March 2019 

  • WTO says U.S. failed to halt state tax subsidy for Boeing

    Reuters – 28 March 2019 

  • Peut-on laisser des armes autonomes tuer à notre place?

    Le Temps – 28 mars 2019 

  • Les jeux de guerre dans le viseur des missions humanitaires

    Le Temps – 28 mars 2019 

  • 100 years in a day – the ILO embraces the globe with a 'virtual' tour

    ILO – 28 March 2019 

  • UNECE Regional Forum 2019: shifting from intentions to action

    UNECE – 28 March 2019 

  • Plus de résistance aux antibiotiques au sud qu'au nord

    Le Temps – 28 mars 2019 

  • Changement climatique et raréfaction des ressources

    Débat le vendredi 29 mars 2019, 17h30, Maison de la Paix, avec Erik Orsenna, académicien, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, président de la fondation Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator et Frederick Bordry, CERNRépublique et canton de Genève – 26 mars 2019 

  • GICHD set to mark 4 April - International Day of Mine Awareness - in Geneva, New York and other selected cities

    GICHD – 26 March 2019 

  • Marco Sassòli focuses in his new IHL book on controversies, solutions and the challenges faced when implementing the law

    Geneva Academy – 28 March 2019 

  • Arts at CERN annonce un nouveau projet et une collaboration avec Barcelone

    CERN – 27 mars 2019 

  • The Economist AMR Summit: "Broadening" Stakeholders To Strengthen Call To Action

    Health Policy Watch – 27 March 2019 

  • WTO marks ILO centenary and welcomes back historic artwork

    WTO – 25 March 2019 

  • Lack of Attention on Digital in Development Strategies in Focus at Major United Nations Gathering

    Amid surge in global e-commerce sales, decision-makers head to 1-5 April UNCTAD eCommerce WeekUNCTAD – 26 March 2019 

  • Conference on Disarmament concludes the first part of its 2019 session

    UNOG – 26 March 2019 

  • Expert views on the frontiers of artificial intelligence and conflict

    ICRC – 19 March 2019 

  • Au hackathon du FIFDH, des algorithmes pour faciliter l'aide humanitaire

    Le Temps – 27 mars 2019 

  • 2018 UN Geneva Annual Report

    UNOG – March 2019

  • Graduate Institute and IUCN Sign Memorandum of Understanding

    Graduate Institute Geneva – 25 March 2019 
