Movers and Shakers

Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!


  • Le Conseil fédéral conclut un accord sur les privilèges et immunités avec Medicines Patent Pool (MPP)

    Confédération suisse – 12 février 2018 

  • Genève au centre des 70 ans de la Déclaration des droits de l'homme

    Swissinfo – 12 février 2018 

  • First high-precision measurement of the mass of the W boson at the LHC

    CERN – 12 February 2018 

  • Internet governance in January 2018

    DiploFoundation – 12 February 2018 

  • World must act faster to prevent pandemic diseases - U.N. risk chief

    Reuters – 10 February 2018

  • Un foyer pour migrants au cœur de la Genève internationale

    Tribune de Genève – 9 février 2018 

  • World loses a 'human rights giant,' says UN chief on death of rights expert Asma Jahangir

    UN News Centre – 11 February 2018 

  • Beatrice Fihn: «Les survivants d'Hiroshima sont les seuls vrais experts des armes nucléaires»

    Le Temps – 10 février 2018 

  • IFRC blockchain application wins global Islamic finance competition

    IFRC – 9 February 2018 

  • Odd gluon compounds may be lurking in the protons

    CERN – 5 February 2018 

  • Machine Learning for 5G: New ITU Focus Group sets agenda

    ITU – 8 February 2018 (video) 

  • Graduate Institute professor named among 100 Africans for 2018

    The Graduate Institute Geneva – 8 February 2018 

  • Statistical organizations to gather in Geneva to develop strategic communications framework

    UNECE – February 2018 

  • DiploFoundation publishes new report on big data and diplomacy

    DiploFoundation – 8 February 2018 

  • Breaking the ice ceiling: International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    "The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is marked on 11 February to improve access for women to technology, science education and technical training and to strengthen the position of female scientists and technologists."WMO – February 2018 
