Movers and Shakers

Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!


  • Geneva platform helps climate refugees around the world

    Swissinfo – 19 February 2020

  • 'The job is not done': the fight to combat neglected tropical diseases

    The Guardian – 19 February 2020

  • ICANN to Hold First-Ever Remote Public Meeting

    ICANN – 19 February 2020

  • UN chief calls for immediate ceasefire in Syria’s war-battered north-west

    UN News - 18 February 2020

  • Tripoli quitte la table des négociations à Genève

    Tribune de Genève / AFP – 19 février 2020

  • World failing to provide children with a healthy life and a climate fit for their future: WHO-UNICEF-Lancet

    WHO - 19 February 2020

  • WHO Official Defends Tighter China COVID-19 Surveillance As “Good Public Health Measure”

    Health Policy Watch - 18 February 2020

  • Drogue, conquête et guerres

    Entretien avec Ruth Dreifuss, ancienne conseillère fédérale et présidente de la Commission globale de politique en matière de drogues

    RTS / Histoire vivante – 11 février 2020 (audio)

  • Why did this UN ad irk women aid workers?

    The New Humanitarian – 18 February 2020

  • Le FIFDH à Genève va brandir en mars les révoltes mondiales

    Swissinfo / ATS - 18 février 2020

  • Note to Correspondents: Intra-Libyan Joint Military Commission

    « On 18 February 2020, under the auspices of the United Nations, the Intra-Libyan Joint Military Commission is resuming its meeting in Geneva. »
    UN Secretary-General – 17 February 2020

  • Le Salon International des Inventions de Genève reporté en Septembre

    Salon International des Inventions – 17 février 2020

  • Number Of New Infections In China Slows, But Fear Of Further International Spread Remains

    Health Policy Watch – 17 February 2020

  • Dr Christophe Golay is shortlisted for the position of UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food

    The Geneva Academy – 17 February 2020

  • Les ONG sous le coup des restrictions budgétaires de l’ONU

    Le Temps – 17 février 2020 (accès payant)

  • Jeff Bezos: World's richest man pledges $10bn to fight climate change

    BBC News – 17 February 2020

  • L'oeil de la Genève internationale

    On 18 February, Professor Petteri Taalas, WMO Secretary-General, will present a conference about « Climate Change and Disasters » at the Univeryity of Geneva
    Genève internationale - 17 February 2020

  • ‘This is a time for facts, not fear,’ says WHO chief as COVID-19 virus spreads

    UN News - 15 February 2020

  • Mégaprojet en vue dans le quartier international

    Tribune de Genève – 14 février 2020 (accès payant)

  • Joint Statement by the Office of OSESGY and ICRC on the outcomes on the third meeting of the Prisoners Exchange

    ICRC – 16 February 2020

  • Prof. Jovan Kurbalija awarded honour by the Republic of Malta

    DiploFoundation – 11 February 2020
