Movers and Shakers

Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!


  • 2019 Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

    ILO – 8 February 2019 

  • On Eve Of Lego Movie 2 Release, WIPO Acts To Block Pirated Version

    IP-Watch – 7 February 2019 

  • Mali, Centrafrique, RDC... Pourquoi les conflits s'enlisent en Afrique ?

    Avec Alexandre Liebeskind, directeur Afrique francophone du Centre pour le dialogue humanitaireLe Monde Afrique / YouTube – 30 janvier 2019 (vidéo) 

  • Geneva: Switzerland's most cosmopolitan canton

    Swissinfo – 11 February 2019 

  • Can the city of peace stop the arms race?

    Swissinfo – 11 February 2019 

  • New report highlights unique strengths of Red Cross Movement

    ICRC – 11 February 2019 

  • The world's 40 million invisible refugees

    By Johan Schaar, chair of ALNAPIRIN - 11 February 2019 

  • How The Global Fund Plans To Raise US$ 14 Billion To Meet Its Goals

    Health Policy Watch - 11 February 2019 

  • What's happening in international Geneva this week?

    Martin Ennals Award, EBU Digital Radio Week, "As local as possible, as international as necessary" at ICRC Humanitarium, 4th Geneva Interfaith Dialogue, An Introduction to Go code at CERN, and moreGenève internationale – 11 février 2019 

  • New Permanent Representative of Turkey presents credentials to the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva

    UNOG – 7 February 2019 

  • Iraq, Afghanistan et Syrie, plus gros projets du Service d'action antimines de l'ONU cette année

    ONU Info - 7 février 2019 

  • WHO Recommends Cannabis Be Reclassified In UN Convention On Narcotic Drugs

    Health Policy Watch – 7 February 2019 

  • The 'Year Of UHC' – Interview With Swiss Global Health Amb. Nora Kronig Romero

    Health Policy Watch – 7 February 2019 

  • Global Partners Commit to Step Up the Fight Against AIDS, TB and Malaria

    The Global Fund - 8 February 2019 

  • A long-sighted laser beam

    CERN – 7 February 2019 
