Movers and Shakers

Hier finden Sie hier eine Auswahl von Nachrichten aus IOs, NGOs oder Behörden über die Menschen, die die Zukunft des Internationalen Genf gestalten. Bleiben Sie dran!


  • La deuxième vie de Sergio Vieira de Mello

    Le Temps – 1 mai 2020 (accès payant)

  • Statement on passing of Professor Gil Loescher

    By Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
    UNHCR – 30 April 2020 

  • ILO: As job losses escalate, nearly half of global workforce at risk of losing livelihoods

    ILO – 29 April 2020 

  • Covid-19 : le comité d’urgence de l’OMS se réunit jeudi pour évaluer la pandémie

    ONU Info – 29 avril 2020

  • UNESCO Official: «Not going to school increases the risks of child abuse, sexual exploitation, child labour»

    Interview of Vincent Defourny, Director of the Geneva Liaison Office of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization / Geneva Solutions – 29 April 2020 

  • Coronavirus: la Suisse débloque 400 millions de francs en soutien à des actions internationales

    Confédération suisse – 30 avril 2020

  • TikTok, Gates pledge $20 million to help Africa tackle COVID-19

    Reuters – 29 April 2020 

  • Lauréats du concours Eduki 2019/2020 et de la Bourse Françoise Demole

    Fondation Eduki – avril 2020 

  • The 21st century renaissance of diplomacy: UNITAR’s bright experience in the face of a gloomy crisis

    UNITAR – 29 April 2020 

  • COVID-19 & Immigration Detention: What Can Governments and Other Stakeholders Do?

    IOM – 29 April 2020 

  • Lockdowns, quarantines and face masks - they may help economies rebound from COVID-19 / Geneva Solutions – 29 April 2020 

  • Coronavirus: Federal Council to ease further measures from 11 May

    Confédération Suisse – 29 April 2020 

  • UN leads bid to help 135 countries get vital COVID-19 medical kit, amid severe global shortages

    UN News – 28 April 2020

  • COVID-19: Gavi and UNICEF to secure equipment & diagnostics for lower-income countries

    GAVI – 28 April 2020

  • COVID-19: Exceptional measures should not be cover for human rights abuses and violations – Bachelet

    OHCHR – 27 April 2020

  • WHO May Host Virtual World Health Assembly May 18 – COVID-19 To Be Main Agenda Item

    Health Policy Watch – 28 April 2020

  • How COVID-19 halted NGO migrant rescues in the Mediterranean

    The New Humanitarian – 28 April 2020

  • Covid-19 et acteurs armés non étatiques

    Par Alain Délétroz, Directeur général de l’Appel de Genève

    Le Temps – 27 April 2020

  • Rapid Support Fund COVID-19

    Swiss Philanthropy Foundation is pleased to announce the creation of a collaborative fund to support NGOs whose activities are impacted by the pandemic, the “COVID-19 Rapid Support Fund”.

    Swiss Philanthropy Foundation – 27 April 2020

  • COVID-19: ALIPH to allocate emergency funding to protect cultural heritage

    ALIPH – 28 April 2020

  • Covid-19: comment protéger les réfugiés ultra-vulnérables

    Débat en ligne le 29 avril 2020 de 12h à 13h30, avec Gillian Triggs (HCR), Caroline Abu Sa’da (SOS Méditerranée), Etienne Piguet (Université de Neuchâtel) et Gianluca Rocco (OIM)

    Club suisse de la presse – 27 avril 2020
