L'oeil de la Genève Internationale

Durch ein Bild eines renommierten Fotografen wird Ihnen jede Woche ein Thema vorgestellt, das mit einer aktuellen Veranstaltung des internationalen Genfs in Verbindung steht.



Today, 24 April, the Graduate Institute invites world famous British photographer Don McCullin for a conversation about his life and career with Davide Rodogno, Professor of International History, The Graduate Institute and Lisbeth Koutchoumoff Arman, journalist at Le Temps.

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What is the situation in South Sudan? How severe is the crisis in Nigeria? How many people are internally displaced in Afghanistan? The new ACAPS CrisisAlert app aims to provide the answers easily.

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On March 24th, a small group of innovators hosted the Geneva Global Goals Innovation Day (G3iD) - a single day of radical collaboration dedicated to co-creating, accelerating and scaling solutions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Starting with solutions from over 100 organizations, more than 800 participants came to join in making a better world.

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On 15 March, Angelina Jolie, the world-leading actress and UNHCR Special Envoy, discussed the necessity of internationalism in a lecture at Palais des Nations. Her talk was organized by the Graduate Institute and the Sergio Vieira de Mello Foundation to honor the memory of Sergio Viei

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AQUA, the latest art project of ART for The World, is a worldwide traveling exhibition curated by Adelina von Fürstenberg which centers on environmental issues related to water, engaging a selection of works by 32 contemporary artists as a tool for reflecting on the role that this vital resource plays in our lives.

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The International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH) turns 15 this year. With 134 events in Geneva and 300 guest speakers from 62 countries, the FIFDH is recognized as the premiere international event of its kind. The festival will take place from 10 to 19 March 2017 to coincide with the main session of the UN Human Rights Council.

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The Think Tank Hub together with On Think Tanks launched, last January, the first edition of the Winter School for Thinktankers. It is addressed to young and proactive individuals who are committed to developing their knowledge and understanding of think tanks and preparing themselves to become policy entrepreneurs. 

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On 6 February 2017, The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) presented the results of a study about the effects of different weapons currently used in populated areas: “Characterisation of Explosive Weapons”.

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On 8 February 2017, DiploFoundation - with the support of the canton of Geneva and Twiplomacy and the Geneva Internet Platform - will present the Geneva Engage Awards 2017.

Video of the week


The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) recently released the African Elephant Status Report 2016. The report provides vital information on changes in elephant numbers, indicating where they are occurring and enabling scientists to identify drivers of population decline and implement effective, targeted conservation action.

Foto der Woche

The second edition of the manual entitled "Management of dead bodies after disasters: a field manual for first responders", a collaborative effort between the ICRC, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), was launched on 1 November.

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Achieving food security for all is at the heart of the United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organisation's (FAO) efforts. The objective is to ensure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. FAO's three main goals are: the eradication of food insecurity & malnutrition; the elimination of poverty; and the sustainable management of natural resources.

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The International Gender Champions - Geneva initiative has just celebrated its first anniversary. Its annual report, published on 2 November 2016, reviews its achievements and outlines the way forward for the second year.

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On 22 November 2016, the International Solidarity bureau of the canton of Geneva, in collaboration with the Terre des hommes Foundation, will host a panel discussion on the topic of "The fight against drug abuse in Latin America: Geneva's contribution".

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In 2015, the UN Human Rights Council decided to establish a Forum on human rights, democracy and the rule of law to provide a platform to promote dialogue and cooperation on these areas.

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From 7 to 11 November 2016 Geneva Peace Week will bring Geneva’s contribution to sustaining peace into the light. By synchronizing meetings on different topics related to the promotion of peace, Geneva Peace Week maximizes synergies between organizations in Geneva whose work focuses on the cross-cutting nature of peace. 

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On 25 October 2016, the Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation will be launched on the occasion of the first Annual Meeting of Frontline Humanitarian Negotiators. Over 170 professionals, experts and scholars are expected at La Pastorale, to share their experience and perspectives on frontline negotiations. This meeting will contribute orienting the activities of the new Centre of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation for the years to come.

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The Global Fund is a 21st-century partnership designed to accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics. As a partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector and people affected by the diseases, the Global Fund mobilizes and invests nearly US$4 billion a year to support programs in more than 100 countries.

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In the run-up to World Health Day on 7 April 2017, the World Health Organization (WHO) is launching a one-year campaign, starting today 10 October, on the theme of depression. Through the campaign, WHO, together with partners, will provide substantial information about this illness, its causes and possible consequences, including suicide, and what help is or can be available for prevention and treatment.

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Through a global network of more than 200 local correspondents, experienced editors and analysts, IRIN provides insider multimedia news and analysis about humanitarian issues.

In March 2016, IRIN sent a team of journalists – Amanda Sperber, Will Miller, Alex Pritz and Ashley Hammer – to rebel-held territory in Sudan's Blue Nile State to document the toll of the conflict.

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