L'oeil de la Genève Internationale

2025 marks the 50th anniversary of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). In the spirit of World Wildlife Day and to emphasize the urgent need to protect nature against biodiversity loss, climate change, and pollution, the International Geneva website invites the CITES Secretariat and UNDP to select their Photo of the Week. Join us each week until December 2025 as we unveil their chosen image from Magnum's powerful photographic collection, alongside their ongoing efforts to safeguard our planet.



On 10 February, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and, World Health Organization (WHO) present a webinar on International instruments on the use of antimicrobials across the human, animal, and plant sectors. In 2017, the photojournalist Patrick Zachmann reported the work and lives of the Cambimba Village's farmers, Morroa, Colombia, supported by the FAO.

8 February 2021

On 3 February 2021, the Geneva Environment Network (GEN) organizes the High-Level Briefing on the 5th Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly. The artist Ilkka Halso places nature and its protection at the center of his concerns. Here, an injured tree is admitted to intensive care.

1 February 2021

To mark the launch of the DigitHarium, the ICRC presents "Digital dilemmas #1: Data protection in a Covid world", with Massimo Marelli, Head of Data Protection Office (ICRC) and Joseph A. Cannataci Special Rapporteur on the right to privacy (OHCHR), on 12 January 2021, at 2 pm.

12 January 2021


The Office of International Geneva wishes you a great start to 2021!

On 15 November 1920, the Reformation Hall hosted the first assembly of the League of Nations. A brass band marches in front of its doors. To close the centenary of this event, we invite you to revisit the exhibition set up by UNOG with the support of the Canton:

18 December 2020

Based in Geneva, the International alliance for the protection of heritage in conflict areas (ALIPH) is the only global fund exclusively dedicated to the protection and rehabilitation of cultural heritage in conflict in post-conflict areas. After two years of operation, it is now financing over 100 projects in 22 countries for more than 35 million USD.

14 December 2020

Today, 30 November 2020, "the CyberPeace Institute celebrates its first year of existence with the discussion "Achieving CyberPeace: a Collective Effort in Cyberspace and Beyond." In a highly connected world, the CyberPeace Institute aims to remind the world that digital space is human space by ensuring individuals' right to security, dignity, and equity in cyberspace and enforcing cyberpeace.

30 November 2020

The International Migration Organization (IOM) is holding its 111 Council Session from 24 to 27 November 2020. Magnum member Moises Saman took this image of refugees crossing the border between Syria and Iraq, and heading to Bardarash Camp aboard a bus operated by IOM, on 1 November 2019.

24 November 2020

On 20 November 2020, the Young Activists Summit (#YAS20) will shine a spotlight on seven young activists who are advancing climate action, biodiversity, human rights, sustainable and ethical fashion issues.

13 November 2020

From 16 to 18 November, the Geneva Health Forum will convene key actors of global health and humanitarian action to tackle the most pressing global health challenges. This fully online edition will live stream 21 sessions, Innovation Fair, Virtual Booths, and more!

9 November 2020

Under the theme "Rebuilding trust after disruption: Pathways to reset international cooperation", the 2020 Geneva Peace Week edition is entirely held online from 2-6 November 2020. To join Live Sessions, register through the virtual lobby.

3 November 2020

Starting at 14:00 GVA on 2 November, DNDi and the COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition will jointly host the webinar "Responding to Covid-19 in Africa, the myths, the lessons, and the future".

30 October 2020

From 12 to 30 October, on the Place des Nations, the United Nations in Geneva celebrates 100 years of Multilateralism in Geneva. The exhibition presents the milestones and achievements of multilateral cooperation and highlights Geneva's role as a center of global governance.

26 october 2020

To celebrate United Nations Day and its 75th anniversary, the UN in Geneva is organizing the online event "The Future of Multilateralism: How Global Cooperation will evolve in the 21st Century", broadcast live on UNTV on Thursday 22 October at 3:30 pm.

19 October 2020

From 12 to 30 October, on the Place des Nations, the United Nations in Geneva celebrates 100 years of Multilateralism in Geneva. The exhibition presents the milestones and achievements of multilateral cooperation and highlights Geneva's role as a center of global governance.

12 October 2020

The first Forum of Mayors organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) will take place on 6 October 2020. More than 40 city leaders from the UNECE region will gather at the Palais des Nations or connect virtually to share their responses to the challenges of urban life. In this context, the famous architect Sir Norman Foster will explain how the current pandemic will accelerate the evolution of our cities.

5 October 2020

On 16 September, the Graduate Institute and the Fondation pour Genève organize a "Round table on The Future of Internet Governance in Geneva" to discuss the future of Internet governance and the role Geneva can play in it.

14 September 2020

On 9 September, the free online congress "WSC Spotlight: Sepsis, Pandemics, and Antimicrobial Resistance – Global Health Threats of the 21st Century" will take place. Hosted by the World Health Organization and the Global Sepsis Alliance, it aims to discuss the state of the fight against sepsis worldwide.

7 September 2020