L'oeil de la Genève Internationale

2025 marks the 50th anniversary of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). In the spirit of World Wildlife Day and to emphasize the urgent need to protect nature against biodiversity loss, climate change, and pollution, the International Geneva website invites the CITES Secretariat and UNDP to select their Photo of the Week. Join us each week until December 2025 as we unveil their chosen image from Magnum's powerful photographic collection, alongside their ongoing efforts to safeguard our planet.



The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is opening the doors of its Palais Wilson headquarters on Saturday 30 September. Starting at 10 a.m., the day will provide an opportunity to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to learn more about the work of the OHCHR. Whether you're wondering about the Declaration's role in promoting human rights around the world, or you're a fan of history or cultural heritage, the OHCHR is planning a rich program of activities suitable for everyone, including the very young. For security reasons, you are invited to register and bring your ID with you. 

This event is supported by the Republic and State of Geneva. To mark this anniversary, the Vice-President of the State Council, Nathalie Fontanet, and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, will address the public in the lobby of the Palais Wilson at around 11:25.

This majestic front view of the Palais Wilson, photographed by Luca Fascini, is part of the book "Genève internationale, 100 Years of Architecture" by Joëlle Kuntz. The history of this monument facing the lake, built between 1873 and 1875 by Geneva architect Jacques-Elisée Goss, is told here.

27 September 2023

On 27 September, The Lancet Commission on Women, power, and cancer, together with the U.S. National Cancer Institute, GENDRO, and ecancer, invites you to the Graduate Institute for the Global Launch of the Commission report. Key findings and recommendations of the report will be addressed, followed by a moderated panel discussion with thought leaders in global health and development, cancer policy, and women’s rights. This compelling scene is part of the 2006 World Press Photo awarded documentary "A Diary of Healing." Mary Ann Nilan was 39 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She asked the photographer, Christopher Capoziello, to account for every stage of her treatment. 

21 September 2023

Because "it is time to harness the power of trade to help drive climate action," the WTO's Public Forum is held under the theme "It is time for action." Starting today until 15 September, policymakers, industry leaders, academics, civil society representatives, and other stakeholders from around the globe will explore how to enhance trade for a sustainable future and contribute to the sustainable development goals (SDGs). In this context, the WTO invites you to discover "SDGs and Trade: Making Trade Work for People and Planet," exhibited until 2 October at Parc des Bastions, Geneva. This view of a "sea of wool" was taken by Magnum photographer Jonas Bendiksen in Bradford, England, in 2013. 

12 September 2023

From 4 to 15 September, Handicap International is teaming up with artist Saype to create a monumental fresco on the Place des Nations. Like the "Broken Chair," created by artist Daniel Berset, this collaboration aims to raise public awareness of the cause of "civilian populations afflicted by war." The sky view above was taken in 2019 in Geneva. This 5,000 m2 drawing by artist Saype is part of the "Beyond walls" project: hands joining together to form a large chain around the world.

4 septembre 2023

To facilitate the arrival of International Geneva actors and their families, to help them better understand their functions and their new living environment, the CAGI organizes the "Practical Geneva - the key to a successful stay" lunch conference this Thursday, 31 August 2023. You may register through this link. This view of Geneva, at dusk, was taken in December 2022 by Magnum photographer Thomas Dworzak.

28 August 2023

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is 150 celebrates its 150th anniversary! Since 1873, the WMO - known back then as the International Meteorological Organization (IMO) - has provided "warnings of severe weather or water-related events, poor air quality, and long-term climate monitoring to help society be better prepared and protected." To mark this date, the Quai Wilson is hosting an exhibition of WMO's past and present achievements. The photography above was taken in Geneva at the Parc mon-repos in 1907. It is part of the exhibit that questions the visitors: "What was the highest temperature recorded in this location in August 1907?" 30. 9°C, 33.7°C or 41.1°C? You have until 30 August to discover the answer, Quai Wilson. 

21 August 2023

On 28 June, Switzerland for UNHCR invites you to the conference "Art and forced displacement" in the framework of the exhibition "Deflagrations more than a century of children's drawings in wars and mass crimes" at the International Museum of the Reformation. The participants will address art as a vehicle for awareness-raising, reparation, and inclusion in the context of forced displacement. The above images were taken on 20 June 2023, World Refugee Day, during the Inside Out photo booth project by JR organized by Switzerland for UNHCR and the Hospice général at the Rigot collective accommodation center, a facility for refugees and asylum seekers opposite UNHCR headquarters.

26 June 2023

From 21 to 23 June, OCHA holds this year's ECOSOC Humanitarian Segment Humanitarian (HAS) under the theme "Strengthening humanitarian assistance at a time of unprecedented global humanitarian needs: driving transformation and solutions to address the urgent challenges of rising food insecurity and the risk of famine, protection risks, and climate change." This image shows a family coping with seasonal flooding by building this wooden structure to climb on and stay dry when the water runs deep. It was taken in the Gaibandha District, Bangladesh, by Magnum photographer Jonas Bendiksen in 2010. 

20 June 2023

Thursday 15 June, Geneva for Human Rights: Global Training & Policy Studies organizes an expert seminar to mark the launch of the study "The Protection Roles of Human Rights NGOs" since the creation of the United Nations and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This wide-ranging study also addresses how NGOs are responding to future challenges such as artificial intelligence, robots in armed conflict, digital threats and the protection of human rights in outer space." The photograph above symbolizes "the challenges of childhood." It was taken in Mozambique by Cristina de Middel in collaboration with Bruno Morais in 2017 and is part of the series "Excessocenus." 

12 June 2023

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is holding its 111th International Labour Conference from 5 to 16 June, the largest gathering dedicated to the world of work. In this impetuous, 12 June will mark World Day Against Child Labour under the theme "Social Justice for All. End Child Labour!" Stating that: « The abolition of child labour is a cornerstone of the aspiration for social justice, through which every worker can claim freely and on the basis of equality of opportunity and treatment their fair share of the wealth that they have helped to generate. » Magnum photographer Emin Ozmen pictured Erich, 11 (left), and Kevser, 9, both Syrian girls, in 2018, while working in a lettuce field. 

5 June 2023

Today, 31 May, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) holds the Robotics for Good Grand Finale. Among the six finalists, a jury of experts will vote for the most innovative and scalable solution to help advance the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The public may submit votes for their favorite solution. The photographer Olivia Arthur pictured this woman holding the social robot called "LOVOT," a generation of robots with advanced artificial intelligence to nurture love, at Aalborg University, Denmark in 2021. 


30 May 2023

In the run-up to the 76th World Health Assembly, the World Heart Summit will take place both in Geneva and online from 19 to 21 May. This high-level multistakeholder event will address the most pressing issues in global cardiovascular health. Magnum photographer, Olivia Arthur, took this portrait in 2016, during a party in London, Great Britain, following Philippe Halsman’s famous "Jumpology" photoshoot method. 

15 May 2023

In collaboration with the Geneva Centre for Humanitarian Studies and the Interfaculty Centre for Affective Sciences at the University of Geneva, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum invites you on Thursday, 4 May, to the 4th edition of "Let's Talk about Mental Health" from an artistic and participatory approach. 

As part of the Generation COVID: Respond project of UNICEF, the photographer Alex Majoli has been commissioned to cover the consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on young people's mental health in 2021. It is in a small village in the province of Bergamo in Lombardy, Italy, and to prevent social isolation, that the Regional Council of Psychologists and the Lombardy Guarantor Authority for Childhood and Adolescence invited high school students to write about their vision of confinement. Anna (pictured left) was 14, when she became one of the laureates. Her story "Before I was different" is described here.

3 May 2023

The Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW), organized annually by OCHA and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), will be held from 17 to 28 April 2023. Since its inception in 2015, this conference has provided a space for practitioners and experts to connect and fosters a collaborative approach to address common challenges in crisis preparedness and response. The above scene was taken by Peter van Agtmael at the Bab al-Hawa Hospital, Syria, in the aftermath of the earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria in February 2023. 

17 April 2023

To mark its 75th anniversary, the World Health Organization (WHO) presents the exhibition "Picturing Health, 75 years of progress and challenges" at Quai Wilson from 3 April to 1 May. For over 70 years, the WHO has assigned professional photographers to document its efforts to advance health for all, today constituting a collection of more than 58'000 images. As part of the exhibition, this portrait of a mother and child suffering from smallpox was taken in the early 70s by renowned Indian photojournalist T. Satyan. In 1980, the 33rd World Health Assembly endorsed the conclusions of the Global Commission for Certification of Smallpox Eradication that smallpox had been eradicated worldwide and that the return of the virus was unlikely." The Smallpox Archives are, since 2017, registered in the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme.

3 April 2023

For the first time, 30 March will mark the International Day of Zero waste. In this context, the Geneva Environment Network organizes the discussion "Beating Waste Pollution | Geneva Zero Waste Day Celebration." This multi-stakeholder event will highlight the steps taken by International Geneva actors and beyond to achieve the zero waste agenda. While the tide is out, those brave volunteers struggle in the mud to collect rubbish and loads of plastic bags. Ian Berry took this image on the Isle of Dogs during the London Rivers week for clean rivers organized by Thames21 in England in 2008. 

Monday 27 March 2023

This year’s World TB Day theme focuses on "Yes! We can end TB." In this perspective, the WHO invites you on 22 March to an online Talk Show with WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and other senior WHO leadership, ministers, leaders, high-level government representatives, Heads of Agencies, TB survivors, civil society, and partners. The Show is broadcast live, with interactive Q&A from the audience online. This sparkling little girl above suffers from spinal tuberculosis and must wear a stiff body jacket. She was pictured, by David Seymour, in 1948 at the Bellevue Hospital in Vienna, Austria.

20 March 2023

On 16 March, the GCSP invites you to the Geneva Security Debate on "A World without War," the latest book by Sundeep Waslekar, President of Strategic Foresight Group. By examining the history and politics of war, Dr. Waslekar proposes a "global social contract for lasting peace." Together with Ambassador Greminger, Director of the GCSP, Dr. Waslekar will discuss the key messages of this publication and how sustainable peace can be achieved. To participate, you may register here. This lively scene of a mother and child above was taken by, Magnum Photographer, Newsha Tavakolian in Paracaima, Roraima, Brazil, in October 2022.

14 March 2022

8 March marks International Women's Day. In this impetus, the Geneva Environment Network convenes you to the high-level panel discussion addressing “Women, Girls, and the Triple Planetary Crisis” through the lens of climate change, biodiversity loss, human rights, gender, and innovation. Along the same path, the WTO organizes “A Conversation between European Central Bank President, Christine Lagarde and WTO Director-General, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala.” The photojournalist Nana Heitmann followed, 16-year-old, Divya Chaudhry’s quest to study for a career in science encouraged by youth empowerment groups, and the support of her parents. Here, Divya poses with her sister Saniya next to their village, Turki, Madhya Pradesh, India in November 2022.

6 March 2023

From 27 February to 4 April 2023, the Human Right Council is holding its 52nd regular session. United Nations' highest body dedicated to the protection and promotion of Human Rights will mark the 35th anniversary of the Declaration on the Right to Development and organizes notably a series of high-level meetings addressing notably youth rights and participation, the question of death penalty, racism, the rights of people with disabilities and children's rights. You may watch the session live on UN Web TV. Those children playing were pictured in September 2020, by Emin Ozmen, in the province of Mardin, Turkey, at the border with Syria, where thousands of Syrians have sought refuge since the beginning of the war. 

27 February 2023