©Mohammed Zouhri
Entdecken Sie die Höhepunkte des internationalen Genfs.
- WTO opens its doors to the public | 16 June 2019
- Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge | 13 May 2019
- IRIN becomes The New Humanitarian | 21 March 2019
- Geneva Annual Blockchain Congress | 21 January 2019
- Conférence-débat: Santé mentale, le cas de la Bosnie et Herzégovine | 26 novembre 2018
- Cité des Métiers, l'expo 2018
- Geneva Peace Week 2018 - Building Peace in a Turbulent World
- In pictures: Ensuring the security of international Geneva | April 2016
- Interview with Olivier Mismetti, in charge of the Close Protection Detachment of the International Security Police | April 2016
- An interview with Antoine Marguier, Conductor, United Nations Orchestra | November 2015
- Interview with Ole von Uexkull, Executive Director of the RLA Foundation | October 2015
- In pictures: official welcome at Geneva Airport | June 2015
- An Interview with Isabelle Duboule, Head of the Protocol Service at Geneva airport | June 2015
- interview estivale 2015 – Melissa Fleming, Chef du Service Communication et information du HCR et Porte-parole du Haut Commissaire
- Interview estivale 2015 – Matt Pollard, Centre pour l'indépendance des magistrats et des avocats de la Commission internationale de juristes